
API only in Ruby on Rails

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby on Rails API only

Commands to download dependencies and start the application:


  1. sudo -- sh -c -e "echo ' api.task-manager.test' >> /etc/hosts";
  2. bundle install
  3. rails db:create db:migrate
  4. rails s

Commands used to create the application:

  1. rails g rspec:install
  2. rails g devise:install
  3. rails g devise user
  4. rspec
    • spring rspec
    • spring rspec <dir>/<file>.rb --format=d
  5. rails g controller api/v1/users
  6. rails c
    • User.create(email: "caio.agiani14@gmail.com", password: "123123", password_confirmation: "123123")
    • User.all
    • User.count
  7. rails g migration add_auth_token_to_users auth_token:string
  8. rails db:test:prepare
  9. rails g controller api/v1/sessions --no-test-framework
  10. rails g model task title:string description:text done:boolean deadline:datetime user:references
  11. rails g controller api/v1/tasks --no-test-framework


  1. rails g serializer api/v2/task
  • spring stop


caio-agiani in task-manager-api on  master [!]  spring rspec
Running via Spring preloader in process 59317

Randomized with seed 1991

Finished in 1.41 seconds (files took 0.16575 seconds to load)
62 examples, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 1991