Framework7 - Vue - Webpack Cordova Template with Webpack Dev Server and Hot Module Replacement
- 0
Noob, cannot add plugin, what am I doing wrong?
#187 opened by Vinnie881 - 1
- 5
lazy dynamic component import not working.
#185 opened by anilwarbhe - 2
Can't connect to livereload from android device
#183 opened by jeremywarne - 0
Sourcemap can't locate the right Line when Debug.
#186 opened by casyalex - 1
- 1
Error for cordova build browser --release
#178 opened by i-no - 1
not work reload
#180 opened by cr1sti4n - 0
Not work in Linux
#179 opened by nelsonota - 3
Error webpack build android release
#174 opened by lastees - 2
platform browser on macos
#177 opened by khudia - 2
webpack out file question
#172 opened by izengliang - 1
how do use admob
#173 opened by ducdm87 - 5
Live reload & API requests
#170 opened by VisualMafia - 2
How to update template?
#169 opened by izengliang - 2
white screen on fresh template android/ios
#171 opened by cemarta7 - 2
cordova build ios --release bug
#168 opened by VisualMafia - 7
overswipe event bug in any device
#167 opened by A1Gard - 6
please create a empty starter
#145 opened by vahidalvandi - 3
Version 2.3.9 - ES Module
#166 opened by VisualMafia - 3
cordova build browser --release Error
#162 opened by cemarta7 - 1
cordova run android -- --lr Alert gap_init:3
#164 opened by patrykKlimczak - 11
cordova build android --release Error
#163 opened by patrykKlimczak - 0
f7 components
#165 opened by arielrahmane - 0
Project not working on Android (< 7.0) ,white screen
#161 opened by longting - 2
Fontawesome 5?
#160 opened by khudia - 6
Please update to framework v4 )) Thanks!
#147 opened by khudia - 1
Webpack release configuration doesn't work at all
#156 opened by NikitaKA - 1
Live reload & API requests
#158 opened by VisualMafia - 2
- 3
framework7-vue as bundle
#157 opened by daxpunk - 7
app run slow in my iphone8
#155 opened by lingjiawen - 2
Cannot find module 'q'
#154 opened by cyrusonline - 1
please update to cordova 9
#153 opened by plussoftjo - 2
Cordova 9
#152 opened by Overman775 - 1
How to use FontAwesome in this template?
#150 opened by VisualMafia - 3
ios build error: requires a provisioning profile
#149 opened by casyalex - 5
please add rtl
#140 opened by vahidalvandi - 11
#144 opened by VisualMafia - 4
how i can import same compoents instead all ?
#146 opened by vahidalvandi - 4
- 2
How to make prod and dev version?
#137 opened by VisualMafia - 2
Phonegap build tip
#139 opened by innoflash - 1
The style.css file lost something
#142 opened by mingxin-yang - 1
cordova build android --release -failed
#143 opened by VisualMafia - 3
main.scss - not work
#138 opened by VisualMafia - 0
internationalization best practice
#136 opened by j0hannesr0th - 2
Feature Request: Improve Webpack Error Messages
#130 opened by katk0smos - 2
error webpack build
#132 opened by jeryckho - 1
babel-core error
#131 opened by mehrancodes