
The easiest test automation using Puppeteer

Primary LanguageTypeScript


The easiest end-to-end test automation using Puppeteer


yarn add pupest


npm install pupest


Pupest CLI automatically detects all files *.pupest.js

// login.pupest.js

import pupest from 'pupest';

  .type('user123', '#login_field')
  .type('pass456', '#password')
  .test('Login into GitHub')


Run for all *.pupest.js files

pupest --visible --verbose

Run for custom glob

pupest **/auth --visible --verbose


Command Params Description
click selector: string Clicks the element matching the selector.
contains text: string, selector?: string Checks if the element matching the selector contains the specified text.
file selector: string, ...paths: string[] Attaches one or more files to the element matching the selector.
find selector: string Returns the first element matching the selector.
frame selector?: string Switches to the frame matching the selector (or to the main frame if no selector is provided).
go url: string Navigates to the specified URL.
puppeteer handler({ browser: Browser, page: Page, scope: Frame }) Executes a custom handler function that receives an object with instances of the browser, page, and current frame.
press key: KeyInput Presses the specified key.
screenshot path?: string Captures a screenshot of the current page and saves it to the specified path (or in the test file directory).
scroll selector: string Scrolls the page until the element matching the selector is visible.
select selector: string, ...values: string[] Selects the specified options on the element matching the selector.
type text: string Types the specified text.
wait milliseconds: number Waits for the specified number of milliseconds before continuing.



CLI: --bail or -b

If set to true, stops the test run on the first failure.


CLI: --changed

Runs tests only on the files that have been changed. It is useful for quickly testing changes without having to run the entire test suite.


CLI: --height or -h

The height of the browser window in pixels. Defaults to 1080.


CLI: --keep or -k

If set to true, keeps the browser open, having to be closed manually


CLI: --speed or -s

The speed at which the tests are run. Can be set to 'slow', 'medium', or 'fast'. Defaults to 'fast'.


CLI: --timoeut or -t

The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a test to complete before timing out. Defaults to 15000.


CLI: --userAgent or -u

The user agent string to use when making requests. Defaults to a random user agent.


CLI: --verbose

If set to true, logs more information about the test run.


CLI: --visible or -v

If set to true, runs the tests in a visible browser window.


CLI: --width or -w

The width of the browser window in pixels. Defaults to 1920.