
:barber: GoBarber mob app, project intended to offer scheduling barber shop services.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

πŸ’ˆ GoBarber mob app , a project developed to offer barber shop scheduling.

πŸ›Έ Techs    |    ⚠️ Prerequisites    |   ❔ How To Use    |    πŸ”– Badges    |    πŸ” License    |    ☎ Contact Me

GoBarber background image

πŸ” Techs πŸ›Έ

This project was developed at the RocketSeat GoStack Bootcamp 11 with the following technologies:

πŸ” Prerequisites ⚠️

In order to use and test the mobile app on a simulator or on your physical smartphone, you should've already setup the development environment for React Native applications. You can follow the following article (PT-BR) to setup your environment: React Native Environment (Android/iOS).

And also, firstly i recommend that you access and run the backend repository for a complete experience.
Or go to gobarber.desenvolvendosistemas.dev.br to see the web project in a production environment.

GoBarber back-end repository

πŸ” How To Use ❔

To clone and run this application locally, you'll need Git, Node.js v10.16 or higher + Yarn v1.13 or higher installed on your computer.

Hit me to toggle collapse: πŸ•ΉοΈπŸ€

From your command line follow these steps...

# Clone the project
$ git clone https://github.com/caiohenrique-developer/react-native-deploy 'GoBarber Mob' && cd 'GoBarber Mob'

# Install dependencies
$ yarn
# or
$ npm i

# ** Simulator **

# If you want to run the project on a simulador like Android Studio or Genymotion, start the react-native server as it is
$ yarn start
# or
$ npm start

# On another terminal, install the app on your simulator
# Start the project using the command below for Android devices
$ yarn android
# or
$ npm android

# or

# Start the project using the command below for iOS devices
$ yarn ios --simulator="iPhone XS Max"
# or
$ npm ios --simulator="iPhone XS Max"

# ** Physical Smartphone **

# If you want to run the project on your physical smartphone, change the baseURL on src/services/api.js to your machine's ethernet adapter IP. Use the ethernet adapter IP if you're on a cable connection or the WiFi adapter IP if you're on a wireless conecction.
# After changing the baseURL, start the react-native server
$ yarn start
# or
$ npm start

# On another terminal, install the app on your physical smartphone
# Start the project using the command below for Android devices
$ yarn android
# or
$ npm android

# Start the project using the command below for iOS devices
$ yarn ios
# or
$ npm ios

# Very well, now you can enjoy this project! ;)
  • See also: πŸ•ΉοΈπŸ€


    GoBarber back-end repository


    GoBarber front-end repository

GoBarber background image

πŸ” Badges πŸ”–

GitHub Language Count GitHub Top Language Codacy Grade GitHub Last Commit GitHub Releases GitHub Tags Repository issues Repository Size GitHub License semantic-release

πŸ” License πŸ”

Copyright Β© 2021 GoBarber, MIT .

This project is under the MIT license. See the license for more information.

β€œAlways running in search of the goals!”
Done with β™₯ by myself πŸ‘‡ Get in touch!

πŸ” Contact Me ☎️

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