This project is a version for ASP Net Full Framework for creating HealthChecks, based on Xabaril AspNetCore.Diagnostics.HealthChecks project.
AspNet.Diagnostics.HealthChecks | AspNet.HealthChecks.UI.Client | |
NuGet |
- Compatibility with .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher
- Organize in libraries with well-defined requirements
- Create pipeline in azure devops for building
- Configure integration with sonarcloud
- Configure rule for pull request in github for master branch
- Create customization of class HealthCheckResponseWriters to return data in JSON format equal to AspNetCore.HealthChecks.UI project
- Create package release pipeline in azure devops
- Create test to validate use of Xabaril health checks
- Sql Server
- MySql
- Oracle
- Sqlite
- RavenDB
- Postgres
- EventStore
- RabbitMQ
- Elasticsearch
- Redis
- System: Disk Storage, Private Memory, Virtual Memory
- Azure Service Bus: EventHub, Queue and Topics
- Azure Storage: Blob, Queue and Table
- Azure Key Vault
- Azure DocumentDb
- Amazon DynamoDb
- Amazon S3
- Network: Ftp, SFtp, Dns, Tcp port, Smtp, Imap
- MongoDB
- Kafka
- Identity Server
- Uri: single uri and uri groups
- Consul
- Hangfire
- SignalR
- Kubernetes
- Create samples
- Adjust the readme