
A curated list of companies offering software engineering vacancies with transparent, respectful interview processes for job seekers.

Awesome Interview

A curated list of companies offering software engineering vacancies with transparent, respectful interview processes for job seekers.


Toggl - Toggl discloses their salary range, have clear and coesive expectations from candidates, is fully-remote, and even before applying you know exactly how all the steps of the interview process will be. For the right candidate, they include a week of paid work as a test to check if it is the right fit for them - and for you.

Railway - Railway discloses how their entire process will be, and they detail the expectations they have from the candidate during the technical challenges. Also, for different roles, they adapt their challenges to better fit what they need from the candidate in the actual job (e.g. for a Developer Advocate, they analyse blog posts, videos, or anything related to the nature of being a Developer Advocate).

BetterStack - BetterStack runs an async interview with a reasonable code challenge and provide specific feedback for candidates that do not succeed in any step after the initial resume screening. Job descriptions cut the bullshit upfront and encourage you to apply.

Zefir - Zefir has a salary calculator for all the positions available, so you can foresee how much you will earn through your career there before applying to the vacancy. The interviewing process is transparent and has a reasonable difficult aligned with the actual job.

Buffer - Buffer's salary transparency policy and benefits already justify its position in this list. The application process is straightforward and the expectations are fair and consistent through the roles seen in their careers' section.