
This is a POC of a Protractor automation project with protractor-jasmine2-html-reporter and jasmine-spec-reporter reports.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Protractor - End to End automation for AngularJS

The structure is based on two layers: steps and pages.

  1. Steps: Contains all the steps implementations;
  2. Pages: Contains all the pages in the website. A page must contain the declaration of all the elements of the page and the declaration of its actions;
  3. Helpers: Contains all the helpers functions and variables for project.

Pre Conditions

  1. Node.js LTS (10.15.1)
  2. Chromedriver
  3. Geckodriver


Install it as:

$ npm install


Too run tests in terminal (for chrome browser), type:

$ npm updatewd
$ npm startwd


$ npm test


  1. To see reports, open reports/htmlReport.html