Tenfold CRM

(https://hiptest.net/app/projects) [![Code Climate]

Funciontal tests for Tenfold QA Engineer Test

App (link) Test Management (link)

Test Management credentials

email: tester@papito.io password: 123456

The structure is based on three layers: features, steps and pages.

  1. Features: Contains all the features of the project;
  2. Steps: Contains all the steps implementations;
  3. Pages: Contains all the pages in the website. A page must contain the declaration of all the elements of the page and the declaration of its actions.

Pre Conditions

  1. Node.js LTS (6.10.2)
  2. Chromedriver


Install it as:

$ npm install
$ npm install -g protractor


Too run tests in terminal, type:

  npn tests
  protractor protractor.conf.js

To gerenate report (and clean the older one):

  npm report
  allure generate --clean


  1. To see reports, open allure-report/index.html on firefox


  1. Run tests in CI
  2. Add multibrowser