
Spotify artist and song module for Polybar

Primary LanguagePython


This is a module that shows the current song playing and its primary artist on Spotify, with a Spotify-green underline, for people that don't want to set up mpd. If Spotify is not active, nothing is shown. If the song name is longer than trunclen characers (default 25), it is truncated and ... is appended. If the song is truncated and contains a single opening parenthesis, the closing paranethsis is appended as well.


  • Python (2.x or 3.x)
  • Python dbus module

sample screenshot


type = custom/script
interval = 1
format-prefix = ""
format = <label>
exec = python /path/to/spotify/script
format-underline = #1db954

Custom arguments


The argument "-t" is optional and sets the trunlen. It specifies the maximum length of the song name, so that it gets truncated when the specified length is exceeded. Defaults to 25.

Override example:

exec = python /path/to/spotify/script -t 42

The argument "-f" is optional and sets the format. You can specify how to display the song and the artist's name. Useful if you want to swap the positions.

Override example:

exec = python /path/to/spotify/script -f '{song} - {artist}'

This would output "Lone Digger - Caravan Palace" in your polybar, instead of what is shown in the screenshot.