
This project developed as a form of study using some libraries that the job market asked for today, containing a good structure of files and organization of code. Run the application and be happy.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Delivery GraphQL

This project developed as a form of study using some libraries that the job market asked for today, containing a good structure of files and organization of code. Run the application and be happy.

Functional requirements:

Your development environment needs to have:

  • Node JS
  • Yarn
  • Google Chrome to run the tests

Getting Started

# clone it
  git clone https://github.com/caioorg/react-delivery-graphql
  cd react-delivery-graphql

# Make it your own
  rm -rf .git && git init
# Install dependencies
  yarn install

# Copy archive .env
  In the project root has an .env.local.example file, duplicate the file with the following filename .env.local
# Generate key Google Maps API
  For the search engine to work you need to generate a key on the Google Maps API site - https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/start (free). After the key generation, access the .env.local file and change the key: REACT_APP_KEY_API by adding the key value generated in it.

# Start project development
  yarn start

# Run the tests
  yarn run test

# If you want to start production
  yarn build
