
Different approaches of Ruby image hashing to identify similar images

Primary LanguageC

Ruby Image Matcher

Look for similar images using Ruby. Current approaches:

  • pHash
  • dHash
  • IDHash
  • PDQ


  • apt-get install libavformat-dev libmpg123-dev libsamplerate-dev libsndfile-dev cimg-dev libavcodec-dev ffmpeg libswscale-dev libffi-dev libavcodec-dev cimg-dev build-essential pkg-config glib2.0-dev libexpat1-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev python3-pip
  • `gem install pHash ffi ruby-vips dhash-vips phashion
  • Download pHash from http://phash.org/download/
  • Unzip it and enter its directory
  • ./configure --enable-openmp=yes --enable-video-hash=no --enable-audio-hash=no LDFLAGS='-lpthread'
  • make && make install
  • Download VIPS from https://github.com/libvips/libvips/releases
  • Unzip it and enter its directory
  • ./configure
  • make && sudo make install && sudo ldconfig
  • sudo pip3 install Image
  • sudo pip3 install pillow
