Firebase - Basic API


This project is using Node.js with Firebase to deploy Cloud functions as an API.



  • Basic authentification actions : login, signup, signout (with a password, Facebook and Google).
  • Save the users in Cloud Firestone with a profile and credential document.
  • Different functions to manage a user (update the profile, update the password, ask for resetting the password).
  • Control the requests by the headers (authentification token verification).
  • Possibility to send emails with nodemailer.

Quick Start

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Log in to firebase account
node_modules/.bin/firebase login

# Choose a firebase project
node_modules/.bin/firebase use <project_id>

# Test locally
npm run serve

# Deploy to firebase
npm run deploy


  • Firebase configuration :
    • Log in to your firebase account with the command node_modules/.bin/firebase login.
    • Update the file .firebaserc with your own firebase projects id. You can get them using node_modules/.bin/firebase projects:list.
    • Set your project's credentials in /config/credential.js ( and your service account key in /config/service-account.json (from the settings of the Firebase project)
  • Modules :
    • Email (/modules/email):
      • Set your own transport config in config.js.
      • Set the DKIM keys in the folder certificates: go to and follow instructions specified in to set yours.
      • Go to your domain configuration and add a new DNS record with subdomain <selector>._domainkey (don't forget to modify the selector name in the public key in case of custom selector). The selector is specified in the public key format at the beginning : <selector>.<subdomain>.<domain>.<extension>.. To complete the DNS record, complete the public key with the previous key generated.
      • You can set your own custom email templates in the folder templates.