
英语笔记 记录从0到有






  1. 可以独立完成的动作 主语+不及物动词 He sleeps.
  2. 有一个动作的承受者 主语+单及物动词+宾语 He likes you.
  3. 有两个动作承受者 主语+双及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 He teaches you English.
  4. 只有一个动作承受者(不同于2) 主语+复杂及物动词+宾语+宾语补语 He considers you smart.
  5. 把这个词后面的信息赋予给前者 主语+系动词+主语补语(表语) He is tall. He looks tall.



  1. 主语
  2. 谓语
  3. 宾语
  4. 宾语补语:补充宾语信息 He considers you smart.
  5. 主语补语:补充主语信息 He is tall. He looks tall.
  6. 定语:修饰主语和宾语 The little white rabbit ate a large carrot.
  7. 状语:修饰动词、形容词 The rabbit ate quickly. It is very important.(修饰形容词)
  8. 同位语:再把主语说一遍 Papa Rabbit, an English teacher, eat a carrot.


  1. 名词 表人和物 Papa Rabbit is a rabbit.
  2. 冠词 说明人和事物 Papa Rabbit is a rabbit.
  3. 代词 替代人和物 I am a rabbit.
  4. 形容词 形容人和物 I am a smart rabbit.
  5. 数词 表数量 I ate two carrots.
  6. 副词 修饰动词或者形容词等 I ate two carrots quickly.
  7. 介词 表示和其他词关系的词 l ate two carrots with chopsticks.
  8. 叹词 表感叹 Ah, the carrot is tasty!
  9. 连词 连接词和句 l ate two carrots and a potato, because I was hungry.
  10. 动词 参考上面的五种基本句型中的动词



合称:TAM:时(Tense) 体(Aspect) 气(Mood) ,时间和状态成为时态,自由排列组合有16种时态

  • 表示动作的时间:现在,过去,将来,从过去某个时间点"算将来"(过去将来)
  • 表示动作的状态:未说明(一般),完成,进行,不但完成而且继续(完成进行)
  • 表示动作的假设,情感等: If I were a rabbit. 虚拟语气,这里用were而不是was暗示 并自己并不是兔子

英语的谓语动词本身往往是不能独立完成刚才所说的那些本领,需要助动词来帮助,例如:吃 Eat

  • 为了协助它表示吃过了(完成态),就要用到助动词, have, have eaten.

  • 为了协助它表示正在吃(进行态),就要用到助动词, be, is eating.

  • 为了协助它表示是"被"吃,就要用到助动词be, is eaten.

  • 为了协助它表示有能力吃,就要用到助动词can, can eat.

  • 为了协助它表示有可能吃,就要用到助动词might, might eat.

  • 为了协助它表示有义务吃,就要用的助动词must, must eat.

  • 为了协助它表示否定,不吃,就需要用到助动词do, do not eat.



非谓语动词不受主语限制,不具备表达时间和人称的本领(也称非限定动词) 非谓语动词可以充当除谓语动词外的所有句子成分,取代所有从句,简化句子

The rabbit like eat carrots. 为什么不能这样造句呢?其实就是没搞清楚非谓语动词.


谓语动词进行修改可以改为非谓语动词,非谓语动词几乎可以取代所有从句,从而简化句子 只不过这样的动词就不再具有表示动作时间,状态,语态,语气的功能



也解释了为什么两个简单句不能仅仅用逗号连接, I am a rabbit, I eat carrots. 出现了两个谓语动词,上面所述一个简单句只能有一个谓语动词。①可以改写为并列句,使用连词相连,I am a rabbit, so I eat carrots. 这样知道有两个并列的句子,知道有两个谓语动词;②或者把他变成一个主句,一个从句, Because I am a rabbit, I eat carrots.


不受时间,人称等概念限制:to + 动词原形

  • To be or not to be, that is the question. (完全不定式) 生存还是毁灭,这是一个问题.
  • You helped me (to) cook the carrot. (裸不定式) 你帮我烧(做菜)了胡萝卜.


  • To eat a carrot every day is good for the rabbit. 一天吃一根胡萝卜对兔子有好处. (单独看到to eat 不知道是谁吃,什么时候吃,还不能确定所以才是不定式,不受具体的人和时间的限制,就是单纯的再说一天吃一个胡萝卜的概念)
  • It is goods for the rabbit to eat a carrot every day. 一天吃一根胡萝卜对兔子有好处 (形式主语)


  • The rabbit likes to eat carrots. 兔子喜欢吃胡萝卜.
  • I consider it important to eat a carrot every day. 我发现每天吃一个胡萝卜很重要.


  • The rabbit expected the wolf to eat a carrot. 兔子指望狼吃一根胡萝卜.
  • 有些谓语动词,see, find, watch, have make, let ···,这些使役动词后接宾语,再接省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,也就是裸不定式.
  • Carrots make the rabbit feel happy. 胡萝卜使兔子感到快乐.


  • The rabbit has a lot of carrots to eat. 兔子有很多胡萝卜要吃. 不定式to eat 做后置宾语修饰carrots. 表示胡萝卜是会被吃的,他们之间是动宾关系.


  • 表原因 I was surprised to get a thumbs-up. 我很吃惊(因为)得到一个赞. l was surprised because I got a thumbs-up. (相当于原因状语从句) 我很吃惊,因为有人给我点赞了.

  • 表目的 I will do anything to get a thumbs-up. 我为了得到一个赞会做任何事. I will do anything in order that I get a thumbs-up. (相当于目的状语从句) 为了点赞量我能做出任何事儿.

  • 表结果 l got enough thumbs-up to make another video. 我得到足够的赞,可以去做另一个视频啦! l got enough thumbs-up, so that I made another video. (相当于结果状语从句) 我得到了很多点赞,于是我做了另一个视频.


把不定式和状态相结合,to + 动词原形 (状态)

  • to be eating The rabbit seemed to be eating a carrot. 这兔子之前似乎在吃一根胡萝卜(的过程中).

  • to have eaten The rabbit will appear to have eaten a carrot. 这兔子之后会看起来像是吃过了一根胡萝卜.

  • to have been eating




  • Eating carrots is healthy for the rabbit. 吃胡萝卜(这个行为)对兔子来说很健康.
  • Being handsome and being strong are his nature. 他是帅气的和强壮的(handsome和strong都是形容词,不能做主语,如果变成非谓语就可以做主语,想变成非谓语动词最起码有谓语动词,可以加be,变成非谓语动词being)


  • The rabbit's hobby is growing carrots. 兔子的爱好是种胡萝卜.


  • a sleeping pill 安眠药,这里作定语修饰药,是为了睡眠用的,也就是 a pill for sleeping(名词).


  • The rabbit likes eating carrots. 兔子喜欢吃胡萝卜


  • The rabbit enjoys to eat carrots. The rabbit enjoys eating carrots. 兔子喜欢吃胡萝卜.

    类似的动词还有avoid, advise, consider, escape, mind, practice 动词词组有insist on, give up, feel like, put off

(6)介词 + 宾语


  • The rabbit is fond of eating carrots. 兔子喜欢吃胡萝卜.
  • The rabbit is looking forward to seeing the wolf again. 兔子期望再次见到狼.(look forward to 是个短语,句子中的to,不是不定式中的to)

(7)不定式作宾语 vs 动名词作宾语

  • The rabbit stopped to eat a carrot. 兔子停下(手里的活)去吃―根胡萝卜. (停下手中的活,去作另一件事;去吃胡萝卜) The rabbit stopped eating a carrot. 兔子停止吃一根胡萝卜. (停止正在作的事;停止吃胡萝卜)

  • The wolf forgot to invite the rabbit to her party. 狼忘记邀请兔子去她的聚会. (forgot + to 忘记去做) The wolf forgot inviting the rabbit to her party. 狼忘记邀请过兔子去她的聚会. (forgot + doing 忘记做过)



  • a talking rabbit (现在分词) 一只说话的兔子
  • a talking rabbit (动名词) 一只会说话的兔子

(1)动名词作定语 vs 现在分词作定语

  • a sleeping pill 一片安眠药,这里的sleeping是动名词,用来说明药片的性质,功能和用途,相当于 a pill for sleeping
  • a sleeping rabbit a rabbit for sleeping 这里的sleeping是现在分词,相当于一个性形容词,用来修饰兔子的状态,在睡觉,只知道兔子的状态是在睡觉,但是不知道具体的时间



  • The rabbit is smart. 兔子是聪明的. (形容词)
  • The rabbit is charming. 兔子是有魅力的. (现在分词)
  • The story is interesting. 故事是有趣的. interest 👉 interesting
  • The game is exciting. 游戏是刺激的. excite 👉 exciting
  • The news is encouraging. 新闻是鼓舞人心的. encourage 👉 encouraging


  • The wolf saw the rabbit eating a carrot. 狼之前看到兔子正在吃一根胡萝卜.

(4)动词不定式作宾语补足语 vs 现在分词作宾语补足语

  • The wolf saw the rabbit eat a carrot. (动词不定式) 狼之前看到兔子吃了根胡萝卜. (表示一个动作自始至终的过程,强调动作已经发生了)
  • The wolf saw the rabbit eating a carrot. (现在分词) 狼之前看到兔子正在吃一根胡萝卜. (表示动作正在进行中,强调动作进行的状态)



  • Hearing the news, the rabbit became excited. 听到这个消息,兔子很激动. (表示时间) When he heard the news, the rabbit became excited. 听到这个消息时,兔子很激动. (时间状语从句)
  • Not knowing what to eat, the rabbit skipped lunch. 不知道吃什么,兔子没吃中饭.(表示原因) Because he didn't know what to eat, the rabbit skipped lunch. 听到这个消息时,兔子很激动.(原因状语从句)
  • 现在分词做状语跟相应的状语从句之间,有一种剪不断理还乱的关系,其实非谓语动词在很大程度上简化了从句,使得句子言简意赅



  • The rabbit will eat minced carrot next week. 兔子下周会吃搅碎的胡萝卜.

minced (过去分词) 作定语,可以把单个过去分词看做形容词

  • a minced carrot 一根绞碎的胡萝卜
  • a painted room 一个漆过了的房间
  • an excited rabbit 一只激动的兔子


  • The carrot cake eaten by the rabbit is delicious. 被兔子吃了的胡萝卜很美味.


  • The rabbit is interested in growing carrots. 兔子对种胡萝卜感兴趣.
  • sb. is interested(过去分词) in doing sth. 有着过去分词的主系表结构,而且这里还有个动名词

(2)现在分词作主语补语 vs 过去分词作主语补语

  • The story is interesting. (主动) 故事有趣. 现在分词暗含主动关系,即被描述的是做出动作的人/物,暗含:故事人感到有兴趣 The rabbit is interested. (被动) 兔子很感兴趣. 而过去分词暗含被动关系,即被描述的是动作的接受者,暗含:兔子某事某物引起了兴趣

  • The rabbit was frightening. (主动) 兔子让人感到害怕. The rabbit was frightened. (被动) 兔子(被事)感到害怕.

  • l am interesting. (主动) 我是有趣的(我让人感到有趣) l am interested. (被动) 我被某人/某物引起了兴趣.


  • The rabbit found his carrot stolen. 兔子发现他的胡萝卜被偷了.


  1. 前后主语一致
  2. 去掉状从主语 & 连词(可留)
  3. 从句 v.变分词
  4. doing 主动进行/主动一般
  5. done 被动完成/被动一般


  • She felt tired. She went to bed early.

  • Because she felt tired, she went to bed early.

  • Feeling tired, she went to bed early.

  • Waiting for a bus, a brick fell on my head. ❌(主语不一致)


  • Seen from the hill, the carrot field looks beautiful. (表地点) 从山上看,胡萝卜田看上去很美.
  • Born in a rabbit family,the rabbit's only work is growing carrots. (表原因) 由于出生在一个兔子家庭里,兔子的唯一工作就是种胡萝卜.
  • Given another chance,the rabbit would go to the wolf's party. (表条件) 如果再给兔子一次机会,他会去参加狼的聚会.



  • Seen from the hill, the carrot field looks beautiful. 从山上看,胡萝卜田看上去很美. (这里主语胡萝卜田是被看,所以用过去分词)

  • Seeing the carrot field, the rabbit ran towards it. 看到胡萝卜田,兔子朝着它跑去. 主语是兔子,兔子主动看到了胡萝卜田

(4)高级用法 👉 独立主格



  • The work finished(过去分词), the rabbit went(谓语动词) home. (简单句) 工作完成后,兔子回家了. (这里的finished过去分词修饰的the work)
  • The work was finished, and/so the rabbit went home. (并列句) 工作完成后,兔子回家了.
  • After the work was finished, the rabbit went home. (从句) 工作完成后,兔子回家了.
  • The weather permitting, the rabbit will go out. 天气允许的话,兔子就出门.
  • If the weather permits, the rabbit will go out. 天气允许的话,兔子就出门.
  • Being a teacher, I like singing. I being a teacher, I like singing. 我是一个老师,我喜欢唱歌(当前后句子主语一致,省略第一个句子的主语,不算是独立主格,严格来说而是分词做状语)


Because the wolf invited him, the rabbit decided to go to the party. 因为狼邀请了兔子,所以兔子决定去参加聚会了.


The wolf inviting him, the rabbit decided to go to the party. 因为狼邀请了兔子,所以兔子决定去参加聚会了. (前半句wolf是主动,所以用主动现在分词inviting,the rabbit decided to go to the party才是主干,而前面The wolf inviting him中,invite是由wolf发出的,而不是真正的主语rabbit发出的动作,所以语法上把wolf称为动词invite的逻辑主语,而这就是独立主格中的主格;独立指的是wolf是游离于真正主语rabbit之外的,在The wolf inviting him中,自立门户,独立了出来,这个独立的主语还不能跟真正的主语相提并论,要不怎么说是独立主格,而不是独立主语呢)

  • If the weather permits, the rabbit will go out. (引导条件状语从句) 如果天气允许,兔子就会出门. The weather permitting, the rabbit will go out. (独立主格) 如果天气允许,兔子就会出门.
  • After the work was finished, the rabbit went home. (引导时间状语从句) 工作完成后,兔子回家了. The work finished, the rabbit went home. 工作完成了,兔子回家了.
  • The rabbit is lying in bed and a carrot is still held in his hand. (并列句) 兔子正躺在床上,胡萝卜仍在他手中. The rabbit is lying in bed,a carrot still held in his hand.(独立主格) 兔子正躺在床上,胡萝卜仍在他手中.


  • 名词/代词 + 现在分词 the wolf inviting him
  • 名词/代词 + 过去分词 a carrot held in the hand
  • 名词/代词 + 动词不定式
  • 名词/代词 + 名词
  • 名词/代词 + 形容词
  • 名词/代词 + 副词
  • 名词/代词 + 介词短语
  • ······





  • The rabbit ate the carrot.
  • Did the rabbit eat the carrot?



  • Rabbit, eat the carrot!
  • Please, give me a thumbs-up!


虚拟语气中常用的过去式:will 👉 would;can 👉 could;may 👉 might;shall 👉 should


  • 如果描述你脑中的想象,尤其是和现实相反的,或者说主观的意愿,那么我们就要用动词的虚拟语气
  • 主要用于:1.与事实相反的假设,2.表达愿望,请求,建议,命令等(发生在我们脑中的,非现实发生的)



条件句:if + 过去式 主句:would + 动词原形(这里不能用will,因为will表示很确定才能用将来时,这里是假想)



If I see the rabbit now, I will bite him. 本应该是正确的条件语气,I see the rabbit 和 will bite him 都是客观描述事实或者很确定在将来会发生的事情,但是结合实际场景(兔子躲到月亮上了,张三不可能咬到兔子)。怎么办呢?咱们就要把动词时间往过去推一个时间段(如果看见兔子,我“早就”咬它了),变成:If I saw the rabbit now, I would bite him.


  • If I saw the rabbit now, I would bite him. 如果我现在看见兔子,我就会咬他
  • If I were you, I would give this video a thumbs-up. 如果我是你,我会给这视频点赞(如果be动词,那么过去式要用were,不管什么人称),因为如果用am表示陈述,表示事实上我就是你,那又怎么能假设呢,不自相矛盾吗


条件句:if + should(shall过去式) + 动词原形 主句:would/should/could/might + 动词原形

如果将时间改为明天,If I see the rabbit tomorrow, I will bite him. 这本应该是正确的条件语气,但是结合实际场景,张三根本不可能有机会咬兔子,张三只能说:万一我看到兔子,我会咬它。这个就表明明天看见兔子机会太小了,也用虚拟语气,和将来事实相反或者说可能性很小,就要使用虚拟语气的另一种说法:描述与将来事实相反(可能性很小)。If I should see the rabbit tomorrow, I would bite him.

  • If I should see the rabbit tomorrow, I would bite him. 如果明天我看见兔子,我会咬它


条件句:if + 过去完成时(had + 动词过去分词) 主句:过去将来完成时(would have + 动词过去分词)


If I saw the rabbit a few days ago... 如果这样说,除了时间副词,和描述与现在事实相反的情况一样了吗(如果和现在事实相反,动词虚拟语气要用过去式),如果和过去事实相反,动词虚拟语气的变位就是要改成**过去完成时(假设对过去某一点有影响,所以是完成时)**的形式,那么主句也不能说 I would bite him不然又回到了现在时间,所以主句同样也要改成过去完成时,I would have bitten him.

  • If I had seen the rabbit a few days ago, I would have bitten him. 如果我前几天看到那种兔子就好了,当时就会咬它.
  • If I had watched this video before, I would have aced my test. 我要是之前就看了这视频,那绝对能考个好成绩.


wish 希望(可能性小),而hope 希望(中性,不表达虚拟语气),would rather 宁愿 demand 要求,suggest 建议,insist 坚持,order 命令,后面接的虚拟语气一律是should + 动词原形,和wish/would rather不太一样


对现在的愿望:wish + 动词过去式

  • I wish (that) I were a rabbit. 我希望我是只兔子(虚拟语气使用were,参考上文)
  • I wish you were here! 我希望你现在就在这
  • I would rather that you didn't eat the carrot. 我宁愿你(现在/接下来)不会吃那胡萝卜(你还没有吃)
  • I demand/suggest/insist/order that he should give me a carrot. 我要求/建议/坚持/命令他给我一根胡萝卜(后面接动词原形)


对将来的愿望wish + would/cloud/might/should + 动词原形

  • I wish (that) I could eat the carrot. 我希望我能吃那只胡萝卜


对过去的愿望wish + had(would have) + 动词过去分词

  • I wish (that) I had eaten the carrot. 我希望我吃了那只胡萝卜
  • I would rather that you hadn't eaten the carrot. 我宁愿你没吃掉那胡萝卜(你已经吃掉了)
  • I demanded/suggested/insisted/ordered that he should give me a carrot. 我之前要求/建议/坚持/命令他给我一根胡萝卜(后面接动词原形)


  • I suggest that you (should) eat a carrot. (宾语从句)
  • It it suggested that you (should) eat a carrot. (主语从句)
  • The suggestion is that you (should) eat a carrot. (主语补语/表语从句)
  • It it (hight) time that you ate a carrot. (定语从句)







构成:动词原形 + [s(第三人称单数)] 一般现在时,其实跟现在没有什么关系,最常见的情况是表达习惯和客观的事实


  • I eat a carrot. 语法没问题,但是表达意思很怪(我吃一根胡萝卜),也不像是表达事实,一般不这样说
  • The rabbit eats carrots. 兔子吃胡萝卜(没有用冠词a 用的名词复数,表达事实)
  • The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东边升起
  • The earth revolves around the sun. 地球绕太阳转


  • I play basketball. 我打篮球(我有这个习惯)


  • The bus leaves at 8 PM tonight.(也可以当作事实)


构成:助动词be的变位(am/is/are) + 动词的现在分词 正在进行的动作,加助动词就是为了帮助谓语动词展示出三大本领,动词变成现在分词也是为了三大本领中的态,同时保证了一句话只有一个动词(助动词)

现在分词,通常:+ing,现在分词做谓语动词表示进行中的状态,做非谓语动词可以表示形容词 动词在此基础上改变拼写(方便发音或避免误解,其实英语很多不规则都有不按规则的道理),如:

  • write 👉 writing,不是writeing
  • hit 👉 hitting,不是hiting
  • die 👉 dying,不是dieing


  • I'm having lunch. 我正在吃午饭.
  • You are watching my video. 你正在看我的视频.


构成:助动词have的变位(have/has) + 动词的过去分词 对于现在而言,某个动作已经完成了(没有指出动作具体的开始时间),往往考虑过去的动作对现在的影响,助动词是为了帮助谓语动词展示三大本领,动词变成过去分词也是为了三大本领中的态,同时保证了一句话只有一个动词(助动词)

过去分词,通常:+ed,过去分词 ≠ 过去式,谓语动词和非谓语动词过去分词都表示完成状态,不规则变化:

  • eat(eaten);give(given);see(seen);fall(fallen)
  • bring(brought);buy(bought);fight(fought);think(thought)
  • fell(felt);fell(felt);keep(kept);sleep(slept);leave(left)


  • I have eaten carrots. 我吃过胡萝卜(言下之意:我曾吃过这种食物,是只见过世面的兔子)
  • I have eaten a carrot. 我吃过了一跟胡萝卜(言下之意:我已经吃了,所以不饿)
  • The rabbit has eaten a carrot. 这兔子到现在为止已经吃了个胡萝卜
  • You have watched my video. 你到现在为止已经看过了我的视频


构成:have的变位(have/has) + been(be的过去分词,都是been) + 动词的现在分词 动作已经持续一段时间了,并且以后还会继续做,是将现在进行时和现在完成时进行融合


  • I have been eating carrots. 我正在吃胡萝卜(不短已经吃了些,还将继续)
  • The rabbit has been eating a carrot. 这兔子到现在为止已经吃胡萝卜一段时间了,还要继续吃
  • You have been watching my video. 你到现在为止已经看了我时间一段时间,还要继续看
  • I have been thinking of you. 我到现在已经想你一段时间了,还要继续想


构成:+动词过去式,各个人称都是一样的 某个动作在过去是否发生过,往往考虑的是过去的事实

  • eat(原形) 👉 ate(过去式)(为什么要变因为时间变了,谓语动词包含时间的本领)
  • I/you/we/she/he/it/they ate a carrot yesterday.
  • ate(过去式) ≠ eaten(过去分词)


  • The rabbit ate a carrot. 兔子吃了胡萝卜(只知道这只兔子过去某个时刻吃胡萝卜)
  • You watched my video. 你看了我的视频


动词原形 动词过去式 动词过去分词
do did done
go went gone
take took taken
bring brought brought
buy bought bought
fight fought fought
blow blew blown
grow grew grown
know knew known
begin began begun
sing sang sung
swim swam swum
speak spoke spoken
choose chose chosen


构成:助动词be的变位(was/were) + 动词的现在分词 某个动作在过去时间里在进行中的,过去的一段视频

现在进行时 👉 过去进行时

  • The rabbit is eating a carrot. 👉 The rabbit was eating a carrot. 这兔子在过去某个时间点处正在吃胡萝卜的过程中
  • You are watching my video. 👉 You were watching my video. 你在过去某个时间点处正在看我的视频的过程中
  • I am thinking of you. 👉 I was thinking of you. 我在过去某个时间点处正在想你


构成:助动词have的变位(had) + 动词的过去分词 主要表达过去(B)对过去(A)的影响(顺序:B A 现在)


  • I had eaten 5 carrots for lunch yesterday, so I wasn't hungry at all yesterday afternoon. 这里要表达的意思就是,因为昨天下午的过去(时间点B,也就是昨天午饭时间),我已经吃了一些胡萝卜,对于昨天下午(时间点A)来说,所以B对A有影响,影响就是:我一点都不饿
  • He tried to find me yesterday afternoon, but I had already gone to Shanghai. 对于他试图找我那个时间点A(昨天下午)来说,A的过去某一点B(可能时昨天上午,或前天,没说明,但是肯定时昨天下午之前)我已经离开了,去上海了,所以B对A有影响,影响就是:他找不到我

现在完成时 👉 过去完成时

  • The rabbit has eaten a carrot. 👉 The rabbit had eaten a carrot. 这兔子在过去某个时间点已经吃了跟胡萝卜
  • You have watched my video. 👉 You had watched my video. 你在过去某个时间点已经看过了我的视频
  • I have thought of you. 👉 I had thought of you. 我在过去某个时间点已经想过你了


构成:助动词have的变位(had) + been(be的过去分词) + 动词的现在分词 对于过去某个点,不但已经完成了一部分,而且还要继续进行的动作

现在完成进行时 👉 过去完成进行时

  • The rabbit has been eating a carrot. 👉 The rabbit had been eating a carrot. 这只兔子在过去某个时间点已经吃胡萝卜一段时间了,还要在那个时间点之后继续吃一段时间
  • You have been watching my video. 👉 You had been watching my video. 你在过去某个时间点已经看我视频一段时间了,还要在那个时间点之后继续看一段时间
  • I have been thinking of you. 👉 I had been thinking of you. 我在过去某个时间点已经想你一段时间了,还要在那个时间点之后继续想一段时间


构成:助动词will + 动词原形,各个人称都是一样 将来某个时间点发生的动作(说话者十分确定会发生的事),如果不太确定就不能用(需要借助动词语气)


  • 一般现在时态可以表达将来的动作,如:The bus leaves at 8 PM.
  • 助动词be的变位 + going + to + 动词原形,如:I am going to eat a carrot.
  • 上句的going也可以省略,助动词be的变位 + to + 动词原形,如:You are to eat a carrot.
  • 又或者也可以用借about取代going,即: + about + to + 动词原形,如:I am about to eat a carrot.
  • 最简单的就是will + 动词原形,即:I/you/she/he/it/they will eat a carrot.
    • The sun will rise again tomorrow. 太阳明天也会照常升起
    • I will definitely do my bast to make high-quality videos. 我以后也一定会用尽全力做高质量视频


构成:助动词will + be(will已经算是变位过的助动词) + 动词的现在分词,各个人称都是一样 在将来某个时间,某个动作是在进行的过程中(比一般将来时还要笃定)

  • I will be eating a carrot tomorrow from 1 PM to 3 PM. 我明天1到3点会正在吃胡萝卜


构成:助动词will + have原形(will已经算是变位过了) + 动词的过去分词,各个人称都是一样 将来完成时表达对将来的影响(比将来进行时更加笃定)


  • I will have finished making the video by 4 PM tomorrow, so I can publish it after that. 这里要表达的意思就是,对于明天下午4点钟那个时间点来说,我在那之前就会完成做视频这个动作,所以对4点钟那时候是有影响的,什么影响呢,4点钟之后我就能够发视频啦.

现在完成时 👉 将来完成时

  • The rabbit has eaten a carrot. 👉 The rabbit will have eaten a carrot. 这兔子在将来某个时间点已经吃了个胡萝卜
  • You have watched my video. 👉 You will have watched my video. 你在将来某个时间点已经看过了我的视频
  • I have thought of you 👉 I will have thought of you. 我在将来某个时间点已经想过你了


构成:助动词will + have原形(will已经变位) + been(be的过去分词) + 动词的现在分词,各个人称一样 现在完成进行时表示现在已经完成,而且还会继续;将来完成进行时表示将来已经完成,而且还会继续


  • I will have been eating carrots for 2 hours by 3 PM tomorrow. 我确定明天下午三点钟时,我不但已经吃了两个钟头胡萝卜(也就是明天下午一点开始吃)而且还要继续吃

现在完成进行时 👉 将来完成进行时

  • You have been watching my video. 👉 You will have been watching my video 你在将来某个时间点之前已经看来我视频一段时间了,还要在那个时间之后继续看一段时间
  • I have been thinking of you. 👉 I will have been thinking of you. 我在将来某个时间点已经想你一段时间了,还要在那个时间点后继续想你一段时间


构成:would(will的过去式) + 动词原形,各个人称都是一样;助动词be的变位(was/were) + going to 这里的将来是相对于过去的将来,和现在没有什么关系


  • I said I would eat a carrot for lunch. 我(之前)说过我会午饭吃跟胡萝卜(午饭时间对于之前我说那句话的时间来说式在将来,但至于现在午饭时间有没有到,不得而知)
  • I knew you would watch my video. 我(之前)就知道你会看完的视频(你看我视频这件事,对于我做出这个判断的时间来说式在将来)
  • I said I was going to eat a carrot for lunch. 我(之前)说过我会午饭吃跟胡萝卜



  • I said I would eat carrot for lunch. 我之前说过我午饭会吃胡萝卜(will的过去式变位,构成时态)


  • If I were you, I would eat a carrot. 如果我是你,我会吃胡萝卜(构成动词eat的虚拟语气:我不可能是你,所以这里的吃是虚拟动作)


  • Would you pass me the carrot, please? 能请你把胡萝卜递过来吗?(比Will you pass me the carrot?更礼貌)
  • Would you like a carrot for lunch? 你是否午饭想吃胡萝卜?(比Do you want a carrot for lunch?更礼貌)


构成:would(will的过去式) + be助动词原形 + 动词的现在分词,各个人称都是一样


  • I said I would be eating a carrot at 1 PM tomorrow/yesterday. 我之前说我明天下午1点会在吃胡萝卜(我之前说我明天/昨天下午1点会是在吃胡萝卜这个过程中)


构成:would(will的过去式) + have助动词原形 + 动词的过去分词,各个人称都是一样


  • I said I would have eaten a carrot by 1 PM tomorrow/yesterday. 我(之前)说我明天/昨天下午1点会已经吃掉了跟胡萝卜(我之前说我明天/昨天下午1点会已经做完了吃胡萝卜这个过程)


构成:would(will的过去式) + have助动词原形 + been + 动词的现在分词,各个人称都是一样


  • I said I would have been eating lunch for 2 hours by 1 PM tomorrow/yesterday. 我(之前)说我明天/昨天下午1点前会已经吃了两种头午饭(我之前说我会明天/昨天下午1点时在吃午饭这个过程中,之前吃了两种头,之后还会继续吃)





  • 简单介词
    • in:在···里···
    • to:朝···
    • with:和···
  • 短语介词(视作介词;不单独表完整义)
    • by way of:通过···方式
    • at the end of:在···的最后
    • along with:和···一起
    • because of:因为···
    • previous to:···之前
  • 合成介词
    • into:到···之内
    • onto:到···之上
    • within:在···之内
    • notwithstanding:尽管
  • 分词介词(动词的分词充当)
    • including:包括···
    • regarding:关于···;至于···
    • considering:鉴于···;考虑到
    • given:考虑到···;如果···



例如中文:打人,打字,打雷,打算,打住 对应英文:hit 42 degrees 达到42°,the idea hit me 明白/意识到,hit the brake 踩刹车






  • 关于(外围;有涉及;非核心) l know something about the rabbit. 我知道关于这个兔子的事儿.
  • 大约(从外大范围大致数数); There are about 20 carrots. 大约有20根胡萝卜.
  • 针对(从外向内地解决); Let's do something about the problem. 让我们做些事儿解决问题.
  • 某人某事有某种特性 There's something dangerous about the wolf. 狼有点危险的特质.(狼感觉有点危险.)
  • 到处(在外面来来回回) Stop running about! 别到处跑



  • in: 一般表示在一堆东西中间,或者说上下左右前后都能移动,说明在一个大范围内
    • in the city, in the country 因为在城市和国家里能大范围移动
    • I'm walking in the street. 如果你要表达在某条街道的范围内移动
    • in a year, in the month, in the week 空间感念延申到时间上
  • on:一般表示在···之上,说明有一面确定了,只能在这个平面上移动,自然范围小一点
    • There is some trash on the street. 街道的表面上
    • on that day, on Monday, On April 1st 空间感念延申到时间上
  • at:通常只能在一个明确的点上
    • at the corner, at the shop 角落商店很明确,不会移动
    • I'm at Carrot Street and Apple Street. 很明确的点,两条街的交界处
    • at 8 o'clock, at that moment 空间感念延申到时间上

看见hour不一定要用on,一定要想清楚,我们要表达的是一个范围还是具体一个点, 比如说 1小时有60分钟 There are 60 minutes in an hour. 范围是相对的

为什么是in the morning,morning比day还小啊,当我们使用in the morning这个短语时,通常是表达一个时间段的范围,相当于刚才的There are many hours and minutes in a morning,所以当我说I eat carrots in the morning时,我表达的意思是,我在早晨这个时间范围吃胡萝卜,如果你想要表达的相对明确的一个点,就要说on the morning,比如说 I saw the wolf on the morning of April 1st. 我在4月1日早晨看到了大灰狼,这里要表达意思是,在四月一日早晨这个时间,和一天差不多的范围,所以既然是on that day,自然也有on that morning.

at noon,之前的上午和之后的下午都是相对的大范围,而noon相对来说是一个点所以才用at


  • in:在···里面

    • in the house. 在房屋里.
    • in the tree. 有动词进到树里面了 . There are some birds in the tree. 小鸟在树上(进到树里了)
  • on:在···上面,物体与物体接触

    • on the table. 在桌子上.
    • on the tree. 长在树上的 . There are some apples on the tree. 树上有一些苹果.
  • at:在某处,确定的具体的点

    • at the corner. 在街道拐角.
    • at the bus station. 在车站.
  • over:覆盖;在···正上方;越过上空(可以描述动态,而above不可以)

    • The mother put a blanket over the child. 妈妈把毯子盖在孩子身上(覆盖:接触)
    • the bridge over the river. 在河上的桥(在···正上方:不接触)
    • The rabbit climbed over the fence. 兔子爬过栅栏(越过上空:不接触)
  • above:在···上方(高于平面,不可以描述动态)

    • the sky above us. 在我们上方的天空.
  • under:在···正下方,与over相对,物体与物体可以接触,也可以不接触

    • There is a ball under the desk. 桌子下有个球.
  • below:在···下方,与above相对,低于某个平面,可以是正下方也可以不是

    • The rabbit dived below the surface of the water. 兔子潜入水下.
  • near:在···附近;在···周边

    • neat the hospital. 在医院附件.
  • by:在···旁边,通常与beside、next to可以互换

    • There is a hotel by/beside/next to the river. 在河边有个旅馆.
  • beside:在···旁边(非空间比较),通常与beside、next to可以互换

    • There is a hotel by/beside/next to the river. 在河边有个旅馆.
    • My carrot looks bigger beside yours. 我的胡萝卜和你的一起看着更大.
  • next to:靠近;紧挨着;下一个,通常与beside、next to可以互换

    • There is a hotel by/beside/next to the river. 在河边有个旅馆.
  • across:从表面穿过

    • go across the street. 穿过马路.
    • swim across the river. 游过河.
  • through:从内部穿过

    • go through the tunnel. 穿过隧道.
    • walk through the forest. 穿过森林.
    • look through the window. 透过窗户看.
  • between:在···之间,between···and

    • The carrot is between the rabbit and the wolf. 胡萝卜在兔子和狼之间.
  • among:在···之间,一般指在三者及更多物体之间,在口语中也会使用between代替among

    • The rabbit is standing among the carrots. 兔子站在胡萝卜之间.
  • round/around:围绕;环绕

    • trees round/around the field. 环绕田地四周的树.
    • around the world. 世界各地.
  • along:沿着;顺着

    • Walk along this road. 沿着这条路一直走.
  • to:向;朝···

    • go to school. 去上学.
  • toward/towards:朝着···的方向

    • walk toward/towards home. 朝家走.
  • onto:到···上面

    • The rabbit jumped onto the table. 兔子跳到桌子上.
  • into:到···里面

    • walk into the house. 走进房子.
  • out of:从里面出来

    • get out of the car. 从车里出来.
  • opposite:在···对面

    • Our school is opposite my house. 我们的学校在我家对面.
  • against:与···相反;倚,靠

    • We were rowing against the current. 我们逆水行舟.
    • The rabbit was leaning against the tree. 兔子正倚着—颗树.
  • up:沿···向上

    • up the hill. 上山.
    • up the river. 沿河流逆流而上.
  • down:沿···向下

    • walk down the road. 沿着这条路走下去.
    • roll down the hill. 从山上滚下去.
  • off:离···有一定距离

    • New Zealand lies off the eastern coast of Australia. 新西兰离澳大利亚东海岸有一些距离.



  • in:在···里面,范围相对较大的时间内

    • in 2030. 在2030年.
    • in winter. 在冬季.
    • in December. 在12月.
  • on:在···之上,范围相对较小一些,一般表示在具体的某一天

    • on Monday. 在星期一.
    • on Christmas Day. 在圣诞节.
  • at:因为空间范围很小,表示非常确定的时间,一般说几点钟

    • at 6 o'clock. 在6点.
    • at noon. 在中午.
    • at sunset. 在太阳落山时.
    • at dawn. 在黎明时分.
    • at (the age of) 6. 在6岁时.
  • during:持续;在···期间

    • during the past 2 days. 在过去的2天里.
    • during the past 2 weeks. 在过去的2周里.
    • during the past 2 years. 在过去的2年里.
  • for:因为···;因···持续。在古英语中是之前;由于,作非时间介词时一般和原因有关

    • I've been learning English for 2 years. 我持续学习英语两年时间.
  • since:自从

    • since last week. 自从上周以来.
  • before:在···之前,表示时间(以及次序),很少用于空间的之前

    • before Monday. 星期一之前.
    • before 2020. 在2020年之前.
  • after:和before相对,一般表示时间(以及次序),确定信息使用after

    • after two years. 两年之后.
    • I'll eat a carrot after 2 hours. 我2小时后会吃胡萝卜(确定信息) I'll eat a carrot in 2 hours. 我2小时内会吃胡萝卜(不确定信息,也可能一个小时就吃了)
    • l returned after two hours. 我两小时之后回来了.
  • from···to···:从···到···

    • from 9:00 to 10:00
  • by:在···附近/旁边;不超过···边界;不迟于···

    • by 2 o'clock. 在2点之前.
    • by tomorrow. 在明天之前.
    • 在表示时间点之前时,by和before的含义近似,但是before是泛指某个时间点之前,而by相当于限定了一条时间线,更侧重于不超过,不迟于这条时间线. Please finish your homework by 8PM. 请在8点前完成你的作业. Please finish your homework before 8PM. 请在8点前完成你的作业(更强调8点是截至时间,不能在迟)
  • until:直到···为止

    • until 8 o'clock. 直到8点为止.



  • in:···方式;在···里面
    • Let's talk in English. 让我们用英语对话(说的话写的字,都是在英语里面)
  • through:通过···方式;从内部穿过
    • we succeed through hard work. 我们通过努力工作而成功(本义是从内部穿过,引申出通过)
  • by:通过···;在···旁边
    • We learn English by watching videos. 我们通过看视频学英语(本义在···旁边,引申出离不开,依靠)
    • l go to work by car. 我开车去上班(我依靠汽车这个交通方式去上班)
  • with:用···;和···一起
    • We write with pens. 我们用笔写字(我们和笔一起完成这个行为)
  • on:在···上面,方式介词接通讯设备比较多
    • We talked on the phone. 我们通过电话进行了交谈(本义在···上面,想想online, 线上就能明白了)


  • for:因为···;由于···
    • This rabbit is famous for being able to speak. 这只兔子因会说话出名.
  • with:和···一起;···是和···分不开的原因
    • The rabbit is shaking with cold. 兔子冷得发抖(冷和发抖对于兔子来说分不开的,也是在阐述原因)
  • because of/ due to/ owing to/ on account of + 名词:因为···,这几个是固定搭配
    • The rabbit didn't go out because of the rain. 因为下雨,兔子没出去.


  • about:在···外面;关于
    • Could you tell me something about your school? 你能给我讲一些关于你学校的的事情吗?
  • of:此外的;附加的
    • He thought of something important. 他想起了一些重要的事情.
    • think of仅仅是想起了····,而think about是想到关于···的事.
  • on:在···上面,关于
    • Would you like some advice on learning English? 你想要些关于学习英语的建议吗?(在学习英语事上)


  • at:在某处,从空间的某个点引申而来
    • at a hight price.在一个高的价格(点)
    • at a fast rate. 以一个很快的速率(点)
  • by:后接度量标准
    • They get paid by the hour. 他们按小时拿报酬(本义旁边,引申为相关,某种属性)
  • for:以···的价钱
    • l bought these books for 100 Yuan. 我买这些书花了100元(也可以理解为表原因)


  • in:在···里;在···状态中
    • in progress. 在进行(状态)中.
    • in a dilemma. 处于进退两难的境地中
  • on:在···之上;受到之下···的支持(的状态)
    • on a diet. 在节食(在节食支持的状态)
    • on drugs. 吃药(在药物支持的状态)
  • at:在某处;在某个状态
    • at work. 在工作(工作的地点/状态)
    • at dinner. 在吃完饭(吃饭的地点/状态)
  • under:在···下面;在(前提)下
    • under construction. 在施工中(在施工器具之下)
    • under discussion. 在讨论中(在某个前提或者说共识之下)


  • besides:除了···还
    • l like many things besides carrots. 除了胡萝卜,我还喜欢很多东西.
  • except:除了(从整体种剔除出去)
    • Everyone went to the party except the rabbit. 大家都去了聚会,除了兔子.
  • except for:除了,通常用来对之前的内容进行反驳(相当于说美中不足的是···)
    • The party is great except for the loud music.聚会很棒,除了嘈杂的音乐.


介词短语:介词 + 宾语


  • 主语:Between 10 and 11 is a good time for me. 10点到11点间适合我.
  • 主语补语:The meeting is at 2 o'clock. 会议在2点钟.
  • 定语:This is the key to the house. 这是房子的钥匙.
  • 宾语补语:l found the carrot in good condition. 我发现那个胡萝卜保存完好.
  • 状语(最常见):修饰动词,描述动作的时间,地点,方式等等 The rabbit ate a carrot at noon. 中午,兔子吃了一根胡萝卜. The rabbit is eating a carrot in the kitchen. 兔子正在厨房里吃一根胡萝卜. The rabbit likes traveling by car. 兔子喜欢乘车出游.



  • need for:需要···

    • need of
    • need in
    • need on
    • need from
  • long for:渴望

    • long of
    • long in
    • long on
    • long from
  • ready for:准备

    • ready of
    • ready in
    • ready on
    • ready from
  • 动词 + 介词,短语动词 ,营造出看似完全无关的全新单词(难点,需要时间积累)


句子简单的叠加,属于并列关系,简单句和简单句用连词连在一起,不分主次 例如,and、so、for、but

  • The rabbit was hungry, so it ate the carrot. 兔子很饿,所以他吃了胡萝卜
  • You must really like me, for you have given all my videos a thumbs-up. 你肯定很喜欢我英语兔,因为你给我所有视频都点赞啦.




  • I saw that the rabbit ate a carrot. 我看见兔子吃了一根胡萝卜



a carrot that I bought 先行词 关系词

中英思维方式差异 - 关于形容词(句子)

单个形容词修饰名词【形容词(单个) + 名词】;但是句子做形容词时【名词 + 关系词 + 形容词(句子)】

  • **:这兔子在吃一根我买来的胡萝卜. The rabbit is eating a I bought carrot.
  • 英国:这兔子在吃一根胡萝卜([胡萝卜的关系词]我买). The rabbit is eating a carrot([that] I bought).


  • 一根好吃的胡萝卜 a tasty carrot
  • 一根兔子吃了的胡萝卜 a carrot that the rabbit ate
  • 一个是兔子的老师 a teacher who is a rabbit
  • 一个我昨天看见的老师 a teacher whom I saw yesterday
  • 兔子吃胡萝卜的地方 the place where the rabbit ate the carrot
  • 兔子吃胡萝卜的原因 the reason why the rabbit ate the carrot


  • 关系代词引导的形容词从句
  • 关系副词引导的形容词从句


  • 人:who whom whose
  • 物:that which whose
  • 时间:that which when
  • 地点:that which where
  • 原因:that which why


  • 先行词(用来缩小范围)
  • 引导词在从句中能够充当的成分(缺成分用that补充,不缺用副词),共同决定了定语从句的引导词的用法


  • I will never forget the day when I met you.

  • I will never forget the day that we spent.

  • You had better have some reason why you are late.

  • You had better have some reason that sounds perfect.


关系代词(that, who, whom, whose, which)所代替的先行词是人或物的名词或代词,并在句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分

  • 下面第一句中that关系词代替I bought,起代词的作用
  • The rabbit is eating a carrot that I bought.
  • The teacher who ate a carrot is a rabbit.
  • The teacher whom I saw yesterday is a rabbit.
  • The teacher whose favorite food is carrot is a rabbit.
  • The food which/that the teacher likes is a carrot.

that vs which:that先行词是唯一的,which先行词是多选一

  • The rabbit ate the largest carrot that I've ever seen. 兔子吃的是我见过最大的胡萝卜
  • The rabbit ate a carrot which I bought.
    兔子吃的是我买的那一根(世界上所有胡萝卜 吃的我买的)
  • The rabbit ate a carrot that I bought. 这里which替换that也是对的,我买的


  • 如果连提问都不用知道对象是谁,只能用that
  • 如果你还可以问which one are you talking about?,那么就可以用which或者that


关系副词(when, where, why, that)可代替的先行词是时间、地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语(修饰动词)

  • 下面第一句中where the rabbit ate the carrot修饰place,起副词的作用
  • This was the place where the rabbit ate the carrot.
  • This is the reason why the rabbit ate the carrot.
  • That was the day when the rabbit ate the carrot for the first time.


关系副词 = 介词 + which

  • This was the place where the rabbit ate the carrot. This was the place at which the rabbit ate the carrot.
  • This is the reason why the rabbit ate the carrot. This is the reason for which the rabbit ate the carrot.
  • That was the day when the rabbit ate the carrot for the first time. That was the day on which the rabbit ate the carrot for the first time.

3.1.3.限定性 vs 非限定性



  • The rabbit ate the carrot which was on the table. 兔子吃的是桌子上的那根胡萝卜(限定carrot的范围,有好多胡萝卜,但兔子只是吃的其中的一根,哪一根,在桌子上的那一根,这样的从句属于限定性形容词从句)



  • The rabbit ate the carrot**, which** was on the table.
    兔子吃胡萝卜,桌子上的那个(补充信息) = The rabbit ate the carrot**, the carrot** was on the table.
    = 兔子吃胡萝卜,胡萝卜在桌子上


  • My head, which is big, is useful when it rains. 我有大头,下雨不愁
  • The biggest carrot, which the rabbit ate, was on the table. 最大的胡萝卜在桌上,兔子吃了它


  • The rabbit ate the carrot, which was not surprising. 兔子吃胡萝卜,兔子吃胡萝卜这件事并不意外

(3)限定性形容词从句 vs 非限定性形容词从句

  • I have a head which is round. 我有一个圆的头
  • I have a head**, which** is round. 我有一个头,它是圆的
  • 限定非限定指的是英文中的先行词(头),而非中文的句意。非限定中逗号后面的句子是解释补充说明这个先行词,中文翻译过来恰恰是限定这个先行词(头),所以可能会有误解





  • that:当从句是陈述句时,并且that不充当任何成分,也没有任何意思
  • whether:当从句是一般疑问句时,并且whether在从句中也补充当成份,意思是"是否"
  • 所有的特殊疑问词:当从句是特殊疑问句时,不用加




  • That the rabbit ate a carrot is obvious.
    兔子吃了胡萝卜,这是明显的(That从属连词 引导词)



  • Whether the rabbit ate the carrot is obvious.
  • Where the rabbit ate the carrot is obvious.
  • When the rabbit ate the carrot is obvious.
  • How the rabbit ate the carrot is obvious.
  • Who ate the carrot is obvious.
  • What the rabbit ate is obvious.



  • That the hungry rabbit had already eaten a carrot for dinner this evening is obvious. 显得头重脚轻,母语人士很少这样说话,可以改为
  • It is obvious that the hungry rabbit had already eaten a carrot for dinner this evening. 这里的It不是平时指代物体的代词"它",而是指代后面的从句,本身没有实际意义,所以被称为形式主语


  • That the rabbit ate a carrot is obvious. It is obvious that the rabbit ate a carrot.
  • That the rabbit ate a carrot happened. It happened that the rabbit ate a carrot.
  • Whether the rabbit ate the carrot is obvious. It is obvious whether the rabbit ate the carrot.
  • Where the rabbit ate the carrot is obvious. It is obvious where the rabbit ate the carrot.
  • When the rabbit ate the carrot is obvious. It is obvious when the rabbit ate the carrot.
  • How the rabbit ate the carrot is obvious. It is obvious how the rabbit ate the carrot.
  • Who ate the carrot is obvious. It is obvious who ate the carrot.
  • What the rabbit ate is obvious. It is obvious what the rabbit ate.



  • I saw that the rabbit ate a carrot. 我看见这兔子吃了跟胡萝卜


  • I saw whether the rabbit ate the carrot.
  • I saw who ate the carrot.
  • I saw what the rabbit ate.
  • I saw where the rabbit ate the carrot.
  • I saw when the rabbit ate the carrot.
  • I saw how the rabbit ate the carrot.


从句的引导词基本都在从句的开头,而其他的词遵照正常的陈述语序,基本也和中文一样 看到 whether who what where when how,不一定是包含疑问代词/副词的问句

  • You told me whether does the rabbit eat the carrot.
  • You told me where does the rabbit eat the carrot.
  • You told me when does the rabbit eat the carrot.
  • You told me how does the rabbit eat the carrot.



  • I knew (that) the rabbit ate a carrot. 我知道这兔子吃了胡萝卜
  • I think (that) the rabbit is smart. 我认为这兔子很聪明



  • I don't think (that) the rabbit is smart. I think(that) the rabbit isn't smart.
  • I don't believe (that) you will give me some coins. I believe(that) you won't give me some coins.
  • I don't expect (that) you will give this video a thumbs-up. I expect (that) you won't give this video a thumbs-up.



  • I don't think (that) you're right.
  • I didn't think (that) you were right.
  • I knew (that) the rabbit liked carrots.
  • I knew (that) the sun rises(rose) in the east.

(7)be + 形容词 + that

  • l am sure that there's a carrot on the table.
  • l am happy that there's a carrot on the table.
  • l am afraid that there's no carrot on the table.


主语 + 系动词 + 表语(主语补语)

  • I am a rabbit.
  • The carrot tastes good.


  • The problem is that the rabbit is hungry.
  • The reason is that there's no more carrot.
  • The question is whether the rabbit is hungry.
  • The question is what the rabbit should eat.
  • The question is where/when/how the rabbit should eat the carrot.


例如fell, seem, look, taste这样的系动词

  • It seems that the rabbit is hungry.
  • It feels that you're not telling the truth.


My teacher, Papa Rabbit, likes carrots. 同位语就是用不同的方式把同一个概念再说一遍,用逗号隔开,但从句中有引导词也就不用逗号隔开

  • The fact that the rabbit ate the carrot did not surprise me. 兔子吃了胡萝卜这个事实并没让我吃惊.
  • The question whether the rabbit will eat the carrot is on all our minds. 兔子是否会吃胡萝卜这个问题萦绕在我们所有人心中.
  • I have no idea who ate the carrot. 我不知道谁吃了那胡萝卜.
  • I am sure of the fact that there's a carrot on the table. 我确定桌上有跟胡萝卜这件事.


  • You can call me Papa Rabbit. 你可以叫我兔老爹 You can call me what you like. 你可以叫我你想叫的

  • My education made me smart. 我的教育造就了我聪明 My education made me who I am today. 我的教育造就了我今天是这个人





  • The rabbit ate a carrot at home before the wolf stopped by. 大灰狼串门之前,兔子吃了根胡萝卜.
  • Before the wolf stopped by, the rabbit ate a carrot at home. 大灰狼串门之前,兔子吃了根胡萝卜(从句在主句前,需要加上逗号)

(2)在某一时间点之中(当时),引导词:when, while, as

  • The rabbit was eating a carrot when I reached home. 我到家的时候,兔子在吃胡萝卜.

  • The rabbit was eating a carrot while I was making a video. 我做视频的过程中,兔子在吃胡萝卜.

  • I ate a carrot as I made the video. 我一边吃胡萝卜一边做视频.

  • When:时间点,突然 The rabbit was eating a carrot at home when the wolf stopped by. 兔子在家吃胡萝卜的时候(突然)大灰狼来串门了. The rabbit was about to eat a carrot at home when the wolf stopped by. 兔子在家刚要吃胡萝卜的时候(突然)大灰狼来串门了.

  • While:时间段 The rabbit was eating a carrot while I was making a video. 我做视频的过程中,兔子在吃胡萝卜.

  • As:同时 l ate a carrot as I made the video. 我—边吃胡萝卜一边做视频.


  • The rabbit ate a carrot after the wolf stopped by. 大灰狼串过门之后,兔子吃了根胡萝卜.



  • The rabbit has shared three carrots since the wolf stopped by. 自从大灰狼来串门,兔子已经分享了三根胡萝卜了.


  • The rabbit waited until the wolf stopped by. 兔子一直在等,直到大灰狼来串门.
  • The rabbit didn't eat any carrot until the wolf stopped by. 兔子直到大灰狼来串门才吃了胡萝

(6)一····就····,引导词:as soon as

  • The rabbit will eat a carrot as soon as the wolf leaves. 大灰狼一离开兔子就要吃一个胡萝卜.

(7)下次····,引导词:the next time

  • The rabbit will share the biggest carrot the next time the wolf stops by. 下次大灰狼来串门,兔子会一起分享最大的胡萝卜.


引导词:where + 强调形式(wherever不管哪里, everywhere所有地方,anywhere任何地方)

  • The rabbit ate the carrot where he found it. 兔子在找到胡萝卜的地方吃了它 (地点副词从句直接等于地点)

  • The rabbit ate the carrot at the place where he found it.



  • The rabbit ate the carrot where he found it.
  • The rabbit ate the carrot at the place where he found it. 形容词从句(从句修饰先行词place)
  • This is where he found the carrot. 表语从句
  • Where he found the carrot is a secret. 主语从句


  • The rabbit will go where he can find a carrot.
  • The rabbit will go wherever he can find a carrot. 强调:不管哪里
  • The rabbit sees a carrot everywhere he goes. 强调:所有地方
  • The rabbit can eat a carrot anywhere he likes. 强调:任何地方



  • He is smarter than me. (口语) He is smarter than l am.
  • This carrot is bigger than that one. (口语) This carrot is bigger than that one is.


  • He is as smart as l am. (口语) He is as smart as me.
  • She is as beautiful as Snow White. (口语) She is as beautiful as Snow White is.


  • The more you practice English, the more fluent you become. 你越多练习英语,你就越流利
  • The more coins you give me, the more videos I make. 你投币越多,我做的视频也越多



  • If the rabbit sees a carrot, he will eat it. If引导了从句,使用的是一般现在时,之后是主句用一般将来时,有人会说这就是”主将从现“,其实并没有这一种固定的说法,If l saw a carrot, I would eat it. If I had seen a carrot, I would have eaten it.按照这两句(虚拟语气),那么是不是还会有”主过去将来从过去“、”主过去将来完成从过去完成“?那么到底为什么说”主将从现“呢?
  • 主将从现“,中的现,往往指的不是现在的时间,而是一般的状态(简单的,默认的,普通的)。If I see a carrot... 这真的是明确在将来发生的事吗?如果真确定了,干嘛还用”如果“,这不是自相矛盾吗。英语的将来时态指的是非常确定会发生的事儿,I will eat a carrot. 是我确定我将来会吃跟胡萝卜,所以用一般将来时,而If I see a carrot...这个条件并不确定是否会形成,所以条件只能用一般状态,而不是If I will see a carrot...


  • If l saw a carrot, l would eat it.
  • If l had seen a carrot, l would have eaten it.


  • If you like this video, you will give it a thumbs-up. 如果你喜欢这个视频,你会给它点赞.
  • If you don't like this video, you will not give it a thumbs-up. 如果你不喜欢这个视频,你不会给它点赞.
  • Unless you like this video, you will not give it a thumbs-up. 除非你喜欢这个视频,你不会给它点赞.

(3)provided, as long as, in case其他引导词

  • Provided that my video is excellent, you will give it a thumbs-up. 如果我的视频很棒,你会给它点赞.
  • As long as I make excellent videos, you will remain my follower. 只要我一直做高质量视频,你就会继续关注我.
  • In case you don't understand, please comment below. 如果你不明白,请在下方评论.




  • Even if l see a carrot, I will not eat it. 即使我看到了一根胡萝卜,我也不会吃它(这里的Even去掉,句子照样通顺,只不过加了even就有了让步的意思,就算我看见胡萝卜这个情况,我也会做出一个在这个情况下相反的动作,即不吃它)


  • Although I see a carrot, I will not eat it. 尽管我看到了一根胡萝卜,但我不会吃它(尽管我看到了一根胡萝卜是事实,但我还是不会吃它。虽然中文翻译是尽管...但...,但是英文中不会添加but,因为我们这里是复杂句,加上but就有了复合句,有复合句有复杂句就混乱了, Although l see a carrot, but l will not eat it.)


  • No matter what happens, I will not eat the carrot. 不管什么事会发生,我都不会吃这胡萝卜.
  • No matter who orders me, I will not eat the carrot. 不管谁命令我,我都不会吃这胡萝卜.
  • No matter how hungry I am, I will not eat the carrot. 不管我有多饿,我都不会吃这胡萝卜.
  • Regardless of what kind of video l make, you will give me a thumbs-up. 不管我做什么样的视频,你都会给我点赞.



  • 好像某事发生过的方式
  • 好像某事正在发生的方式


l feel good as if l just ate a carrot. 我感觉良好,就好像我刚吃了根胡萝卜—样.

  • 方式副词从句:主句直接交代发生的情况,根据主句发生的情况用从句提出一个与事实相反的假设 I feel good as if I just ate a carrot. 我感觉良好,就好像我刚吃了根胡萝卜—样. You spend (so much) money as if you were a millionaire. 你花了很多钱,就好像你是百万富翁.
  • 虚拟语气:因为假设的条件并非事实,我感觉良好这种情况也并未发生,句子的情况都未发生 If I had eaten a carrot, I would feel good. 如果我刚才吃了根胡萝卜的话,我现在就会感觉良好. If you were a millionaire, you would spend a lot of money. 如果你是百万富翁,你会花很多钱.



  • Eat the carrot as I do. 像我—样吃胡萝卜.
  • Leave the carrot as it is. 别动这胡萝卜(像这胡萝卜原本那样,别碰它)


  • You spend money the way (in which) millionaires do.
  • Eat the carrot the way (in which) I eat it.


原因副词从句、目的副词从句、结果副词从句都是表达了某种因果,即 A 👉 B

Because the rabbit was hungry, so he ate the carrot. 中文中使用【因为···所以···】,但英文中不能这样说【Because ···, so ···】,because引导从句,所以主句前什么也不用加,构成复杂句;而so是用来构成一个复合句的连词,如果两者都用复杂句和复合句就混淆了,


  • 从因果或者从语气上来说,because > since > as
  • 语序的区别because引导的从句可以放在主句前后都可以,而since/as引导的从句一般只能放在主句之前


  • The rabbit ate the carrot because he was hungry. 兔子吃了胡萝卜,因为他饿了.
  • Because this video is excellent, you should give it a thumbs-up. 因为这视频很棒,所以要点赞.


  • Since you are hungry, you can eat the carrot. 既然你饿了,你可以吃这胡萝卜 .
  • Since all my videos are excellent, you should give this video a thumbs-up. 众所周知,英语兔只出精品,所以要点赞.


  • As you were not here, we ate the carrot without you. 因为你之前不在这儿,所以吃胡萝卜没带你一个.
  • As l have thick skin, I'm begging you for a thumbs-up. 显而易见我脸皮很厚,所以求你点赞.

(4)for 也可以表达类似意思的句子,但是这里是复合句,不是复杂句

  • You must really like me, for you have given all my videos a thumbs-up. 你肯定很喜欢我英语兔,因为你给我所有视频都点赞啦.

(5)because vs for

  • Because you like me(原因), you have given all my videos a thumbs-up(结果). 因为你喜欢我,所以你给所有英语兔视频都点赞了. (因为你喜欢我,所以点赞了,由原因推测出结果)

  • You must really like me(推测的结果), for you have given all my videos a thumbs-up(这么推测的原因). 你一定喜欢我,因为你给所有英语兔视频都点赞了. (推测的结果:你喜欢我,这么推测的原因:你给所有视频都点赞了,由推测的结果,引出推测的原因,和because是很不同的用法)


经常使用can、could、may、might、should、would,这样能更好体现目的性 目的("A") 从句 👈 事件("B")主句:因为要达到目的A(从句),所以作了B(主句)

  • In order that I could finish the video in time(目的 从句), l pulled an all-nighter(事件 主句). 为了及时完成视频,我熬夜不睡(肝视频).
  • 基本等于下方
  • l pulled an all-nighter(事件 主句) so that I could finish the video in time(目的 从句). 我熬夜不睡(肝视频),就为了及时完成视频. (so that 不可以放在句首)


(1)也可以用so that 构成结果副词从句,解释说明主句的情况,是主句动作产生的结果

  • l ate a lot of carrots for lunch so that I wasn't hungry at all in the afternoon(表结果). 我中午吃了很多胡萝卜,所以下午一点也不饿
  • The temperature was low so that the lake froze(表结果). 气温很低,所以湖结冰了.
  • l ate so many carrots for lunch that I felt sick afterwards. 我吃了那么多胡萝卜,导致(结果是)我之后感到不舒服.

(2)so 因此是;结果是,这里是属于复合句,并不是复杂句,两个同等地位的句子

  • l like this video, so I'll give it a thumbs-up. 我喜欢这个视频,因此点赞了