Next Level Week 1 - Ecoleta

What is this project?

I have made this project by watching Next Level Week classes. It was 5 days of building an app called "Ecoleta", where markets could apply to collect recyclabe trash.

Ecoleta's home page

Markets can register a point in a map where they are, their contact information and selected what kind of items they collect (plastic, battery, etc).


This app is build with React, React Native and Node. All projects using Typescript so I could have help from intellisense.

  • Node: It's used with Express for backend server and also some other cools libraries like Multer (handling "multipart/form-data" requests and used for image uploading) and Knex for SQL query building. The database used is maintain data is SQLite.

    In order to run the server, for database creating and populating with some data that is needed for the application, you can run: npm run knex:migrate (creates database) and npm run knex:seed (populates database)

  • React: Used for frontend Single Page Application. Here we used axios to execute HTTP requests to backend, Leaflet as a open source library to a interactive map and also other React Libraries like icons, dropzone (drag 'n' drop), router, etc.

  • React Native: Used along with Expo to create a hybrid mobile app. Also some other cool libraries like react-native-emoji, react-native-picker-select, react-native-maps and more.

Ecoleta's mobile app

It was a really cool project to experiment the React/Native/Node stack. I was looking for try React and had this oportunity with Next Level Week's course. I know that this project didn't used the best practises, but I will study more about React in the future.