
Vue Component for drawing annotation (rect, polygon, etc) using SVG element

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


CircleCI donate

Create annotation using SVG and HTML element.


<annotator inertia
  :minSize="[50, 50]"
  :grid="[5, 5]"

    <img draggable="false" src="background.png" />

    <rect slot="annotation" stroke="green" x="300" y="150" width="170" height="100" />
    <polygon slot="annotation" stroke="purple" points="200,10 250,190 160,210" />

    <rect slot="drawing" stroke="red" />



* : must be set if no background

Parameters Description Type Must Specify Default value
width width of drawing canvas Number *optional width of background
height width of drawing canvas Number *optional height of background
grid set grid for sanpping. :grid="[w,h]" for setting width and height. :grid="w" for setting grid in square Array[2] or Number optional null
minSize set minimum size of annotation. :minSize="[w,h]" for set minimum width and height of annotation size. :grid="w" for set minimum width and height of annotation size equal to w Array[2] or Number optional false
drawing switch to drawing mode Boolean optional false
inertia enable inertia moment animation when interacting Boolean optional false
multipleSelect enable multiple select Boolean optional false
delete.sync delete selected element when set to true Boolean optional


* : will error when more than 1 element to be provided

Method name Description Accepted Element
default background element of annotation Any HTML element
annotation annotation element (accept SVG element) <rect>, <ellipse>, <circle>, <polygon>, <path>, <foreignObject>
drawing *draw element via mouse click&drag <rect>, <ellipse>, <circle>


Event name Description Parameters
select emit when element is click/select element: SVG.Element
unselect emit when element is unselected (by clicking the background) element: SVG.Element
drawfinish emit when drawing element is finish element: SVG.Element
drawcancel emit when drawing element is canceled (via right click)
update:delete emit when shape was successfully deleted

Tips: use element.node.isSameNode(this.$refs.myAnnotation) for identifying the element.

Style CSS

Vue-Annotator use svg.select.js with this predefined style that can be override

Class name Description Notes
.svg_select_boundingRect define style of rectangle in selected element only applicable on <rect>, <circle>, <ellipse>
.svg_select_points define style of edge circles in selected element

default style

.svg_select_points {
  stroke-width: 1;
  fill: black;
  stroke-dasharray: 10 10;
  stroke: black;
  stroke-opacity: 0.8;
  pointer-events: none; /* This ons is needed if you want to deselect or drag the shape*/

.svg_select_boundingRect {
  display: none;


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