replacement for UNIONed queries
Sometimes you can not simply use an OR
due to database performance reasons
(whole table scanning, ALL type in explain, etc.).
So you might need to break the query into multiple UNION
based selects.
This is not something CakePHP supports.
So this Plugin attempts to let you use the rest of your Cake find
functionality and only have to use the UNION
when you need to.
git submodule add app/Plugin/Unionize
echo "CakePlugin::load('Unionize', array('bootstrap' => false, 'routes' => false));" >> app/Config/bootstrap.php
$Model->unionizeSetConditions(['MyModel.myfield' => 'foobar']);
$Model->unionizeSetConditions(['SomeOtherModel.someField' => 'foobar']);
$results = $Model->unionizeFind('all', ['limit' => 2, 'order' => false]);
supported find types:
- 'all'
- 'count' = 'count-real'
- 'count-real' = excludes duplicate records (so A + A + B = 2)
- 'count-fast' = included duplicate records (so A + A + B = 3)
- implement paginate behavior hooks (if we have conditions set)
- translate all fields to aliases and back (which gives us full sort support)
- any way to make the find "type" work?