
Machine Learning

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Machine Learning

homework 1: random variables and probability.

homework 2: MLE, MAP, and ridge regression.

homework 3: naive bayes and logistic regressoin.

homework 4: support vector machine.

homework 5: adaboosting, k-means, libSVM.

homework 6: PCA, CNN

homework 7: EM, GAN, RNN

Homework Mean Median Me Bonus
1 94.3 100 95 -
2 81.2 84.6 93.8 -
3 93.7 96 100 -
4 77.9 84.1 77.8 -
5 91.0 96 97 -
6 87.4 90.6 96.8 +10
7 85.3 88.5 84.5 -

hw1 and hw3 worth 5% in final grade, the others worth 10% each. 7 homeworks contribute 60% to final grade.

My rating on the professor: 1/10/2019