
Materials and links for a workshop on Rhino and Python at CMU

Primary LanguagePython



Slides from the workshop are available for view at the following link. Note that there are some links to reference sites in the slide comments! A few links are also listed below.



rhinoPython reference:


Random library reference:



Working with Rhino and Python on OSX requires Rhinoceros 3D, the Python source library, and a text editor.

The (currently free) OSX version of Rhino can be downloaded from here:


Komodo Edit is recommended as a text editor because it enables autocomplete and syntax support for IronPython and RhinoScript functions.

Komodo Edit is free and open source, available for download here:


Other Python-compatible text editors like XCode, Sublime, TextWrangler etc will also work (but without Rhino syntax recognition).

The rhinoPython source library can be downloaded here:



Install the rhinopython folder at path:

User/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/scripts/

To enable Rhino syntax support in Komodo Edit, open Komodo Edit and navigate to the Python language preference window:


Under "Additional Python Import Directories", add a new directory path and point to the python lib folder:

User/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/MacPlugIns/IronPython/settings/lib