Exercise creating a simple layout similar to BBC's site, using CSS grid.
Base html skeleton, images for mockup, and basic css stylings were provided by Scrimba for the exercise.
The purpose of this mini-project is to practice using CSS Grid.
The main goal is to create a web page that shows different news articles in a responsive layout.
- The layout appears similar to the BBC website
- The layout will adjust based on screen size
- The "news" will be hard-coded in the html
Either visit BBC Clone in any browser, or fork this repository to use locally and make some changes.
This project is licesensed under the MIT license.
Mobile View:
Tablet (Medium) View:
Desktop View:
- Improve UI
- Light/Dark mode toggle
- Pull in real news articles with an API?
- Add some buttons, and functionality with JS
- Nav bar added
- User account to save favorite articles (or save with localStorage)
See it live: BBC Clone