word-guess-game is an interactive game to play in the browser. It is built with JavaScript and Web APIs.
To play, click the start button and choose letters by clicking the button or pressing a key for that letter. Each round is timed. Win by guessing the word before time runs out.
See page: Word Guessing Game
The completed application should meet the following criteria:
As a user, I want to start the game by clicking on a button.
As a user, I want to try and guess a word by filling in a number of blanks that match the number of letters in that word.
As a user, I want the game to be timed.
As a user, I want to win the game when I have guessed all the letters in the word.
As a user, I want to lose the game when the timer runs out before I have guessed all the letters.
As a user, I want to see my total wins and losses on the screen.
When a user presses a letter key, the user's guess should be captured as a key event.
When a user correctly guesses a letter, the corresponding blank "_" should be replaced by the letter. For example, if the user correctly selects "a", then "a _ _ a _" should appear.
When a user wins or loses a game, a message should appear and the timer should stop.
When a user clicks the start button, the timer should reset.
When a user refreshes or returns to the brower page, the win and loss counts should persist.