Museum Objects API

Express Mongoose Fullstack App.

Inspired by the Open Access API at The Metropolitan Museum of Art


Full CRUD API for a single resource


  • have one model with at least three properties
  • models properties must use more than one data type(String, Number, Boolean, Date etc.)
  • have a controller allowing for full CRUD functionality.
    • This includes the following routes
    • index route to view all instances of the resource
    • show route to view one single instance of the resource
    • post route to create an instance of the resource
    • patch route to update one instance of the resource
    • delete route to destroy one instance of the resource
  • You must send the response as JSON(this will come into play later) as well as with an appropriate status code

RESTful Routes

Routes Your app should use RESTful routes:

URL HTTP Verb Action
/objects/ GET index
/objects/new GET new
/objects POST create
/objects/:id GET show
/objects/:id/edit GET edit
/objects/:id PATCH/PUT update
/objects/:id DELETE destroy


Clone this repo and run npm install in your terminal, followed by nodemon server.js.

Index Route


Show Route


Post Route