
A curated list of awesome papers about information retrieval(IR) in the age of large language model(LLM). These include retrieval augmented large language model, large language model for information retrieval, and so on.

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Awesome Information Retrieval in the Age of Large Language Model

A curated list of awesome papers about information retrieval(IR) in the age of large language model(LLM). These include retrieval augmented large language model, large language model for information retrieval, and so on. If I missed any papers, feel free to open a PR to include them! And any feedback and contributions are welcome!

This list is currently maintained by Yinqiong Cai,Yu-An Liu, and Shiyu Nee, at CAS Key Lab of Network Data Science and Technology, ICT, CAS.

We thank all the great contributors very much.


Retrieval Augmented LLM

Pre-training Stage

Fine-tuning Stage

Inference Stage

LLM for IR

Generating Synthetic Queries

Generating Synthetic Documents

Generating Ranking Lists

Generate rather than Retrieve

Benchmark and Evaluation
