
Shelley is a framework for model checking call ordering on hierarchical systems

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


by Carlos Mão de Ferro, Tiago Cogumbreiro, Francisco Martins

Shelley is a framework for model checking call ordering on hierarchical systems.

Paper latest version

[updated on Apr 15 12:15 PM PT]

Shelley: a framework for model checking call ordering on hierarchical systems (PDF)

Demo Video

Shelley demo on YouTube

The structure of this document:

  1. Setting up the Container
  2. Running example
  3. Aquamote use case
  4. Running the test suite

The structure of this container:

  • /shelley/: Source code for the Shelley framework.
  • /demos/: Running examples and use cases.
  • /shelleybench/: Auxiliary tools for the benchmarking framework.
  • /test-suite/: Datasets, scripts and experimental evaluation results.

1. Setting up the Container

First, install and start Docker.

  1. Build container:

    $ make -f host.mk build
  2. To enter the container with an interactive terminal session, run:

    $ make -f host.mk run

2 Paper running example

Note: For all the examples below, please make sure you access the bash in the container first.

2.1 Generating the files in Listing 2.1

A. For generating Valve and AppV1 Shelley specifications:

   # On the container:
   $ cd demos/paper_running_example_appv1
   $ ls
      ... app.py  uses.yml  valve.py
   $ shelley-makefile --optimize # generates Makefile
   $ ls
      ... Makefile  app.py  uses.yml  valve.py   
   $ make clean && make # generates Shelley files and runs the model checking
      ... rm -f *.scy *.pdf *.png *.gv *-stats.json *.int *.smv *.shy   
      ... shelleypy app.py --optimize  -o app.shy
      ... shelleypy valve.py --optimize  -o valve.shy
      ... make valve.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s valve.shy  
      ... make valve_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s valve_extended.shy  
      ... make app.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s app.shy  
      ... make app_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s app_extended.shy
   $ ls
      ... Makefile  app.scy  app_extended-i.scy  app_extended.scy  uses.yml  valve.scy  valve_extended.scy
          app.py    app.shy  app_extended-i.smv  app_extended.shy  valve.py  valve.shy  valve_extended.shy

In this case, Valve is in valve.shy and AppV1 is in app_extended.shy.

B. For generating Valve, Sector and AppV2 Shelley specifications:

   # On the container:
   $ cd demos/paper_running_example_appv2
   $ ls
      ... app.py  sector.py  uses.yml  valve.py
   $ shelley-makefile --optimize # generates Makefile
   $ ls
      ... Makefile  app.py  sector.py  uses.yml  valve.py   
   $ make clean && make # generates Shelley files and runs the model checking
      ... rm -f *.scy *.pdf *.png *.gv *-stats.json *.int *.smv *.shy
      ... shelleypy app.py --optimize  -o app.shy
      ... shelleypy valve.py --optimize  -o valve.shy
      ... shelleypy sector.py --optimize  -o sector.shy
      ... make valve.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s valve.shy  
      ... make valve_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s valve_extended.shy  
      ... make sector.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s sector.shy  
      ... make sector_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s sector_extended.shy  
      ... make app.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s app.shy  
      ... make app_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s app_extended.shy   
   $ ls
      ... Makefile  app.scy  app_extended.scy  sector.py   sector.shy             sector_extended-i.smv  sector_extended.shy  valve.py   valve.shy           valve_extended.shy
          app.py    app.shy  app_extended.shy  sector.scy  sector_extended-i.scy  sector_extended.scy    uses.yml             valve.scy  valve_extended.scy

In this case, Valve is in valve.shy, Sector is in sector_extended.shy and AppV2 is in app_extended.shy.

2.2 Class Valve and diagram in Listing 2.2

Class Valve is identical for both the AppV1 and AppV2.

Here, we choose to generate the diagram for demos/paper_running_example_appv1/valve.py.

Make sure that the Shelley specification files have been generated has described above.

   # On the container:
   $ cd demos/paper_running_example_appv1
   $ make valve.png # generate the diagram as a PNG
      ... shelleyv --format png valve.scy -o valve.png
   $ make valve.pdf # generate the diagram as a PDF
      ... shelleyv --format pdf valve.scy -o valve.pdf  


2.3 Class AppV1 and diagram in Listing 2.3

We generate the diagram for demos/paper_running_example_appv1/app.py.

Make sure that the Shelley specification files have been generated has described above.

   # On the container:
   $ cd demos/paper_running_example_appv1
   $  make app_extended-i-d.png # generate the diagram as a PNG
      ... shelleyv --dfa --minimize --nfa-no-sink --dfa-no-sink  --format png app_extended-i.scy -o app_extended-i-d.png


2.4 Classes Sector and AppV2 and diagram in Listing 2.4

We generate the diagram for demos/paper_running_example_appv2/sector.py.

Class AppV2 can be found in demos/paper_running_example_appv2/app.py.

Make sure that the Shelley specification files have been generated has described above.

   # On the container:
   $ cd demos/paper_running_example_appv2
   $ make sector_extended-i-d.png # generate the diagram as a PNG
      ... shelleyv --dfa --minimize --nfa-no-sink --dfa-no-sink  --format png sector_extended-i.scy -o sector_extended-i-d.png


2.5 Introduce fault to get the verification error in page 5 (first)

Fault: Comment line 19 (b.open()) in class App demos/paper_running_example_appv1/app.py.

   # On the container:
   $ cd demos/paper_running_example_appv1
   $ make clean && make
      ... rm -f *.scy *.pdf *.png *.gv *-stats.json *.int *.smv *.shy
      ... shelleypy app.py --optimize  -o app.shy
      ... WARNING:shelleypy:Expecting ['open'] but found self.a.close. The first subsystem call should match the case name! (l. 20)
      ... shelleypy valve.py --optimize  -o valve.shy
      ... make valve.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s valve.shy  
      ... make valve_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s valve_extended.shy  
      ... make app.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s app.shy  
      ... make app_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s app_extended.shy  
      ... Invalid device: integration error
            * system: main, main_1
            * integration: a.test, a.open, b.test, a.close, b.close
            Instance errors:
              'b': test, close
      ... make[1]: *** [../common.mk:22: app_extended.scy] Error 255
      ... make: *** [Makefile:18: scy] Error 2   

2.6 Introduce fault to get the verification error in page 5 (second)

Fault: Comment lines 12-31 and uncomment lines 34-53 in class App demos/paper_running_example_appv1/app.py.

Note that the formula (!b.open) W a.open is equivalent to ((! b.open) U a.open) | (G (! b.open)) and in the paper we manually wrote the former for simplification.

   # On the container:
   $ cd demos/paper_running_example_appv1
   $ make clean && make
      ... shelleypy app.py --optimize  -o app.shy
      ... shelleypy valve.py --optimize  -o valve.shy
      ... make valve.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s valve.shy  
      ... make valve_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s valve_extended.shy  
      ... make app.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s app.shy  
      ... make app_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s app_extended.shy  
      ... Error in specification: INTEGRATION CHECKS
          Formula: ((! b.open) U a.open) | (G (! b.open))
          Counter example: b_test; b_open; a_test; a_clean; b_close
      ... make[1]: *** [../common.mk:22: app_extended.scy] Error 255
      ... make: *** [Makefile:18: scy] Error 2

2.7 Diagram in Fig. 2

We generate the diagram for demos/paper_running_example_appv2/sector.py.

Make sure that the Shelley specification files have been generated has described above.

   # On the container:
   $ cd demos/paper_running_example_appv2
   $ make sector_extended-i-n.png # generate the diagram as a PNG
      ... shelleyv --nfa-no-sink --format png sector_extended-i.scy -o sector_extended-i-n.png


3. Aquamote use case

For all the examples below, please make sure you access the bash in the container first.

The Aquamote use case source code is available in demos/paper_aquamote_example.

3.1 For generating Shelley specifications and run the verification

   # On the container:
   $ cd demos/paper_aquamote_example
   $ ls
      ... app.py  controller.py  http.py  power.py  sectors.py  timer.py  uses.yml  valve.py  wifi.py  wireless.py
   $ shelley-makefile --optimize # generates Makefile
   $ ls
      ... Makefile  app.py  controller.py  http.py  power.py  sectors.py  timer.py  uses.yml  valve.py  wifi.py  wireless.py   
   $ make clean && make # generates Shelley files and runs the model checking
      ... rm -f *.scy *.pdf *.png *.gv *-stats.json *.int *.smv *.shy
      ... shelleypy wifi.py --optimize  -o wifi.shy
      ... shelleypy controller.py --optimize  -o controller.shy
      ... shelleypy wireless.py --optimize  -o wireless.shy
      ... shelleypy timer.py --optimize  -o timer.shy
      ... shelleypy http.py --optimize  -o http.shy
      ... shelleypy app.py --optimize  -o app.shy
      ... shelleypy valve.py --optimize  -o valve.shy
      ... shelleypy sectors.py --optimize  -o sectors.shy
      ... shelleypy power.py --optimize  -o power.shy
      ... make valve.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s valve.shy  
      ... make valve_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s valve_extended.shy  
      ... make timer.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s timer.shy  
      ... make timer_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s timer_extended.shy  
      ... make power.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s power.shy  
      ... make power_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s power_extended.shy  
      ... make sectors.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s sectors.shy  
      ... make sectors_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s sectors_extended.shy  
      ... make wifi.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s wifi.shy  
      ... make wifi_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s wifi_extended.shy  
      ... make http.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s http.shy  
      ... make http_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s http_extended.shy  
      ... make wireless.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s wireless.shy  
      ... make wireless_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s wireless_extended.shy  
      ... make controller.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s controller.shy  
      ... make controller_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s controller_extended.shy  
      ... make app.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s app.shy  
      ... make app_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s app_extended.shy
   $ ls
      ... Makefile            controller.scy             http.smv            sectors.scy             timer.shy           wifi.py            wireless.smv
          app.py              controller.shy             http_extended.scy   sectors.shy             timer_extended.scy  wifi.scy           wireless_extended-i.scy
          app.scy             controller_extended-i.scy  http_extended.shy   sectors.smv             timer_extended.shy  wifi.shy           wireless_extended-i.smv
          app.shy             controller_extended-i.smv  power.py            sectors_extended-i.scy  uses.yml            wifi.smv           wireless_extended.scy
          app_extended-i.scy  controller_extended.scy    power.scy           sectors_extended-i.smv  valve.py            wifi_extended.scy  wireless_extended.shy
          app_extended-i.smv  controller_extended.shy    power.shy           sectors_extended.scy    valve.scy           wifi_extended.shy
          app_extended.scy    http.py                    power_extended.scy  sectors_extended.shy    valve.shy           wireless.py
          app_extended.shy    http.scy                   power_extended.shy  timer.py                valve_extended.scy  wireless.scy
          controller.py       http.shy                   sectors.py          timer.scy               valve_extended.shy  wireless.shy

3.2 Introduce fault as shown in Example 1 (first)

Fault: Comment line 23 to omit the call self.v1.off() in class Sectors in demos/paper_aquamote_example/sectors.py.

   # On the container:
   $ cd demos/paper_aquamote_example
   $ make clean && make
      ... shelleypy sectors.py --optimize  -o sectors.shy
      ... make sectors.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s sectors.shy  
      ... make sectors_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s sectors_extended.shy  
         Invalid device: integration error
         * system: sector1
         * integration: v1.on, t.wait
         Instance errors:
           'v1': on
      ... make[1]: *** [../common.mk:22: sectors_extended.scy] Error 255
      ... make: *** [Makefile:32: deps] Error 2

3.3 Introduce fault as shown in Example 1 (second)

Fault: Duplicate call t.wait() in line 22 in class Sectors in demos/paper_aquamote_example/sectors.py.

   # On the container:
   $ cd demos/paper_aquamote_example
   $ make clean && make
      ... shelleypy sectors.py --optimize  -o sectors.shy
      ... make sectors.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s sectors.shy  
      ... make sectors_extended.scy
      ... shelleymc -u uses.yml -s sectors_extended.shy  
          Error in specification: INTEGRATION CHECKS
          Formula: G ((v1.on -> (X (t.wait & (X v1.off)))) & ((v2.on -> (X (t.wait & (X v2.off)))) & ((v3.on -> (X (t.wait & (X v3.off)))) & (v4.on -> (X (t.wait & (X v4.off)))))))
          Counter example: v2_on; t_wait; v2_off; v1_on; t_wait; t_wait; v1_off
      ... make[1]: *** [../common.mk:22: sectors_extended.scy] Error 255
      ... make: *** [Makefile:32: deps] Error 2

4. Running the test suite

The test suite contains 285 Shelley specifications.

All tests can be executed by running:

   # On the container:
   $ cd /app/test-suite
   $ make clean && make