Prompt Engineering App - 6 Building Blocks

Inspired by this video from Jeff Su where he goes over the concept of "building blocks" for prompts. I wanted a tool to play around with this concept by analyzing prompts and suggesting improvements.


  • Accepts a user-entered text prompt as input
  • Analyzes the prompt and separates it into its 6 core components or "building blocks"
  • Identifies any missing or weak blocks within the prompt structure
  • Provides tailored suggestions to fill in missing blocks
  • Allows the user to select improvements to incorporate into a revised prompt
  • Generates an edited prompt based on the selected changes


  • Enter a text prompt
  • Click "Analyze" to break it down into building blocks
  • The app will identify any missing blocks
  • Click "Suggest" to get improvement options
  • Select suggestions to add to the prompt
  • Click "Revise" to generate an updated prompt
  • Improvements can be further refined through multiple iterations

Tech Stack

  • Skeleton UI Framework (Svelte + SvelteKit + TailwindCSS)
  • Langchain & OpenAI APIs - Function Calling
  • Vercel Deployment


  • Fine-tune 3.5 models to generate more creative suggestions & more exact analyses.
  • Extrapolate logic to other ways of thinking about prompt structure.