
Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP development environment optimized for xt:Commerce and TYPO3.

Primary LanguagePHP

Docker LAMP

Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP development environment optimized for xt:Commerce and TYPO3.


  • PHP 7.2 (CLI & Apache 2.0 Handler)
  • ionCube PHP Loader
  • Zend OPcache
  • Xdebug (Set breakpoint in code with function xdebug_break())
  • Composer
  • MySQL 5.7 (Container is stateless and data is mapped to ./mysql/data directory)
  • phpMyAdmin
  • Colored bash prompt with git support
  • Imagemagick
  • Default locale de_DE.UTF-8
  • Default localtime Europe/Berlin

Web access


phpMyAdmin access


MySQL access

Host internal: db
Port internal: 3306

Host external/remote: localhost
Port external/remote: 8181

User: user
Password: password
Database: database

Root Password: root


If you are running under linux, please check your users pid and change pid in file ./php/Dockerfile. Example: RUN usermod -o -u 1000 www-data

docker-compose build


docker-compose up


docker-compose up -d

Param -d runs container in background (detach)

Bash into

docker exec -ti docker-lamp-php72_php_1 /bin/bash

Container name is docker-lamp-php72_php_1. Change it to your container name.


docker-compose down

To stop all containers AND kill all volumes docker-compose down --volumes