- 5
get total index records for datatables
#283 opened by HawtDogFlvrWtr - 3
- 3
BeforeFind event not triggered
#258 opened by zunnu - 3
'Refresh' behavior
#275 opened by andrii-pukhalevych - 1
- 0
Use LocatorInterface
#288 opened by andrii-pukhalevych-nuos - 2
- 1
This plugin is not compatible with PHP 8.1
#273 opened by faranshery - 2
CakePHP 4, AWS Elasticsearch 7 - The security token included in the request is invalid
#261 opened by morriesza - 2
- 3
- 7
Php 8 compatibility error
#249 opened by irongomme - 1
Https with self-signed certificates
#253 opened by antonvolokha - 9
- 4
no such index [index: products]
#244 opened by ishan-biztech - 1
Aggregation sample
#247 opened by irongomme - 6
[2.x] Date fields aren't converted to object
#234 opened by CauanCabral - 1
Call to undefined method Elastica\Index::getType()
#240 opened by dynamonet - 3
How doc/book works?
#239 opened by CauanCabral - 1
#229 opened by matthewwoollard - 1
Can we have a 2.x release?
#228 opened by CauanCabral - 0
Replace and_() and or_() with and() and or()
#224 opened by othercorey - 3
No 3.0 Milestone
#213 opened by JacobAGTyler - 1
count() is 1 and numRows errors out Cake Debugger log
#207 opened by blaher - 4
- 2
Console Commands and Helper classes
#188 opened by angelxmoreno - 3
- 1
CakePHP docs need updated
#193 opened by PhantomWatson - 5
phpunit ignoring fixture table.
#194 opened by agarzon - 3
Call to undefined method Cake\ElasticSearch\Datasource\Connection::isQueryLoggingEnabled()
#199 opened by burzum - 1
Search exact phrase of multiple existing words
#200 opened by joostdb - 3
Elastic search 7.x support
#204 opened by icex - 1
Bug in elastic search docs
#206 opened by rudy1976s - 4
- 3
Unknown method "getRepository"
#170 opened by agarzon - 2
Virtual Properties not working since 2.0
#192 opened by agarzon - 1
[ Question ] Lock Document ?
#187 opened by programadorwebfreelance - 5
- 4
CakePHP 3.6 with Elasticsearch 5
#183 opened by SD-dthompson - 8
Elastica's Client::_log deprecated in favor of Client::setLogger(LoggerInterface)
#157 opened by josbeir - 5
(Question) saveMany
#166 opened by bumburoom - 0
- 0
Call to undefined method Cake\ElasticSearch\Datasource\Connection::getSchemaCollection()
#158 opened by burzum - 2
cake 3.6 compatibility
#151 opened by EliasDeVos - 7
setting name and type in index
#150 opened by EliasDeVos - 7
[Question] AWS ElasticSearch configuration
#147 opened - 2
Basic Search Query
#146 opened - 1
Removal of mapping types
#144 opened by qqqqb - 6
Compatibility with ES 6.x ?
#141 opened by TheMiller2015 - 1