
GHBrowser is a simple Android application written in Java, whose purpose is to search and display basic information on GitHub repositories.

  • Browse all public repositories
  • Search for a repository with keywords
  • Display advanced informations on a given repository.


  • At startup, the application queries a list of all public repositories as provided by GitHub public API. The result being a very long scrollable list, it uses pagination . Note that currently pagination is implemented in the API query but not in the interface. This feature would be implemented using the "Infinite Scroll" pattern.

  • The user has the possibility to search for a particular repo using a search view. When validating the query, the app retrieves a list of corresponding repositories. Again, pagination is not implemented in the view.

  • In order to save network bandwith and optimise the user's experience, an existing list of repositories will be persisted across configuration changes.

  • Clicking a repo will open a new Activity to show the repository details. The complete description of a repo is downloaded at this time.

  • Details are split using a ViewPager, to switch between views by dragging the current view. Only the first View is currently implemented.

  • In order to save network bandwith and optimise the user's experience, the complete information of the repository is persisted across configuration changes.



  • this app is developed using the MVP pattern along the views.
  • The API calls are made asynchronously.
  • Information between activities are passed with the use of Parcelable objects in the intent.
  • Android adapters are used to display a RecyclerView or a ViewPager
  • UI uses material design patterns.
  • ConstraintLayouts are used to create the UI views
  • Internationalisation is ready through standard Android mechanisms
  • The development is made with clean code practices in mind. The classes and members name should be easy to understand, thus minimizing the use of comments. Note that a good understanding of Android development and lifecycle is required.


  • this app's repository is very simple.
  • it still relies on a Gitflow pattern


  • The code is unit tested, especially regarding the REST API calls and their effect on the interface
  • a Jacoco gradle task is provided 'JacocoTestReport', which generated reports on code coverage. This prepares a Sonarqube integration, however that task is not currently provided


  • the app uses only the default flavor
  • the publication signature key is provided at the root of the project. the credentials are: test/testme
  • the gradle task is provided in order to make the generation of a production app automatic (via Jenkins)


GHBrowser uses a number of external dependencies to work properly:

  • AndroidX - The android framework for working with compatibility libraries: AppCompat, ConstraintLayout, RecyclerView, CardView but also for testing purpose: TestRunner, FragmentTesting
  • Retrofit - To perform Rest queries
  • GSON - A JSON to Object mapper
  • Glide - Lib taking care of displaying and caching images
  • Robolectric - The test framework for Android mocks
  • Mockito - A mocking framework for unit tests
  • Jacoco - Creates reports for code coverage for Java projects
