

Primary LanguagePython

Ekon 💰


Every turn God iterates over the list of agents, calling them with the world state. The agent returns what resources they want to buy and sell at their current node, and what node they wish to move to.

Example world state

    'you': {
        'position': 2,
        'coin': 2000,
        'resources': {
            'bronze': 40,
            'gold' : 800,
        "current_round" : 1,
        "total_rounds" : 10
    'world': {
        0: {
            'neighbours': {1:1, 2:1, 3:1}
            'resources': {
                'gold': {
                    'quantity': 5000,
                    'buy': 100
                    'sell': 100
        1: {
            'neighbours': {2:1}
            'resources': {
                'bronze': {
                    'quantity': 5000,
                    'buy': 100,
                    'sell': 100
        2: {
            'neighbours': {1:1, 3:1}
            'resources': {
                'silver': {
                    'quantity': 5000,
                    'buy': 100,
                    'sell': 100
        3: {
            'neighbours': {2: 1}
            'resources': {
                'wood': {
                    'quantity': 5000,
                    'buy': 100,
                    'sell': 100


Example message

    'buy':   {"gold": 1000, "silver": 200},
    'sell':  {"wood": 300, "silver": 200},
    'move':   2,


Winner is the agent with the most coin at the end of the rounds.


Vision: Static Mine rate, Static graph shops set prices and mine(and move) agents move and buy/sell

  • Pass location of other players?
  • Regeneration of resources?
  • Improve logging
  • tournament harness with different parameters
  • Static worldstates option
  • Configuration files


  • ability to turn off logging
  • cleanup buy/sell confusion
  • clean up logging
  • pass through round number so can sell off at end
  • only accept integer values
  • allow only % of edges
  • allow to move to same location
  • buy price should be < sell price
  • shuffle order turn of players per round
  • not all shops have all resources