fork of javacafes dots

NOTICE: My configuration for AwesomeWM only works on the latest git master branch. On Arch based distros, all you would have to do is install awesome-git from the AUR. On others, you will have to build it manually.


This repository has submodules, so make sure you clone it correctly:

git clone --recurse-submodules ~/.config/awesome



Bling brings extra utilities to AwesomeWM such as tabs, swallowing, layouts, and flash focus. Please check it out and give it a star!

Collision is great for window navigation. It is created by one of the AwesomeWM devs, and is a great utility for your configuration. Give this one a star as well!


System Info

Common Questions

Where did I steal ears from?

It was taken from elenapan.

How are you getting anti-aliased rounded corners?

To start off, I do not round any corners with picom or any other fork. I round with AwesomeWM. If you round a widget and lay that ontop of another widget, the corners or anti-aliased (AA). Using this fact, all my panels and notifications are rounded widgets which contain a bottom transparent layer. For the clients, you do the same thing but with titlebars.

But how did I get shadows? Usually, when you add shadows, it shadows the transparent widget as well, like this:


In picom, if you edit the wintypes option by adding full-shadow = true for every window type you need, you will fix that problem:

# ...
    normal = {full-shadow = true;};
# ...

Here is the result:


Currently I don't have shadows, but I can easily just enable it in picom and still retain my AA corners.