Shiny Application for Obesity Data

This Shiny application was made in the scope of the homework for BSB 632: Advanced Bioinformatics with R course in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology PhD programme of Gebze Technical University.


This application uses the modified dataframe of transcriptome data from Park et al (2006) from GEO. Modified dataframe consists of 22283 genes with Probe IDs as row names, and three columns with average expression values for each obesity category (normal, obese, morbidly obese).


This application can plot the expression values as scatter plot where each point corresponds to the expression value of a gene in two categories, and show these values as a table in the second tab

This application allows the user to:

  • choose the plotting option (ggplot2 and plotly),
  • choose two obesity categories (normal, obese, morbidly obese),
  • choose the number of genes.

