
CS 319 - OOSE - Catan Game

Primary LanguageJava


Catan Game

Catan is a board game which can be played by 3-4 players and it takes between 45-90 minutes. The object of the game is to be the first person to have 10 victory points. You receive 1 victory point for each settlement you have and you receive 2 victory points for each city you have. If you control the longest road and the largest army then you receive two points for each. Also some development cards are worth victory points.

Catan is an island which players want to settle. The island has BRICK, LUMBER, WOOL, GRAIN and ORE as resources. Players build settlements and cities through spending resources which are represented by resource cards; each land, except for the unproductive desert, produces a resource.

On each player's turn, two dice are rolled to determine which hexes produce resources. Players with a settlement adjacent to a hex containing the number that is rolled receive one card of the corresponding resource; cities produce two cards of the corresponding resource. For example, if a player has one city and two settlements adjacent to a grain hex, that player would take four grain resource cards if the corresponding number was rolled.

There is also a robber, firstly placed on the desert; if a player rolls 7, the robber must be moved to another hex, where will no longer produce resources until the robber is moved again. That player might also steal a resource card from another player with a settlement or city adjacent to the robber's new placement. In addition, when a player rolls 7, all players with 8 or more resource cards must discard their choice of half of their cards. For example, If a player has 9 resource cards, and a 7 is rolled, the player must get rid of 4 cards.

Not only players can built settlements or roads, but also with development cards they can get free resources from the bank or other players. The cards can let the player move the robber or steal a resource from other players, which gives the player a huge advantage.

On the water tiles there are ports that surrounds the tiles. The ports can be used if the player has a settlement on one of the two places which touches a port. They are used for trading, the player can trade the required number of his/her resources to get one of any resource the player wants.

When a player reach 10 points, s/he wins the game. Players should use differents strategies to defeat his/her opponents.

Properties which we may try to add: -Different mods like playing without robber rule : Angel Mode -New Development Cards : Judge Card

Analysis Report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fMLzVh5gtESzFd0qmwjL7xgPkSbuDYtceBnSu9MNDnY/edit?usp=sharing

Design Report : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NNSNIJV-C3Ux2ksJKGHs87byghecqXRXvUh48DxOvRg/edit?usp=sharing

Final Report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s_gAZ7AriyMFbe5nGtZP0wpiTyj1BM1ngFSuZIWGAgA/edit?usp=sharing

Analysis Report Iteration 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fMLzVh5gtESzFd0qmwjL7xgPkSbuDYtceBnSu9MNDnY/edit?usp=sharing

Design Report Iteration 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NNSNIJV-C3Ux2ksJKGHs87byghecqXRXvUh48DxOvRg/edit?usp=sharing

Final Report Iteration 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ktcprPbAZouII_DUSkVsTsCBDaY9TpkUX7Wm4Qr0BjQ/edit

Project Meetings: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dtuYd_ApazgsbkmmD5W9zJa5_OjDwnv41-2qLxfY42I/edit#heading=h.5fz51xqy4e8r

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1m96MgQ_Xs

Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kf3U-XUFMZ3pN13p1N4vpQA6Gts4qXvgfA6vNrx3tB4/edit?usp=sharing