Node.js Crypto Benchmarks (BETA)

Measures the execution time of a few crypto algorithm implementations on Node.js.

This is marked "beta" because I'm not an expert in Node.js, benchmarking, or using crypto algorithms; there's a good chance I made a mistake somewhere. Maybe once more people have looked over the code I'll remove the "beta" tag.

As with all benchmarks, be careful when interpreting the results!

  • The exact Node.js version, OpenSSL version, and NPM package versions can make a big difference.
  • The exact CPU you're running on can make a big difference, especially for native libraries, which may use entirely different code for different CPUs.
  • This benchmark uses the library functions in a specific way (e.g. with a Buffer). Using them differently will give different results.
  • This benchmark runs each algorithm implementation in a tight loop and measures total running time. It doesn't measure cache footprint, JIT time, and a bunch of other things that affect the overall performance of a real-world program.


Clone this repo, then run:

$ yarn install
$ yarn run build  # or: yarn run watch
$ yarn run bench [--include <regex>] [--exclude <regex>] [--test]




Running benchmarks on GCP or AWS

Create new VM instance:

  • Two physical cores (which typically corresponds to 4 "vCPUs")
  • The latest Ubuntu LTS.
# SSH to machine.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git libtool automake gcc g++ make tmux vim

git clone ~/.nodenv
cd ~/.nodenv && src/configure && make -C src
echo 'PATH="$HOME/.nodenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(nodenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc

# Exit and re-SSH to pull in ~/.bashrc updates

mkdir -p "$(nodenv root)"/plugins
git clone "$(nodenv root)"/plugins/node-build

nodenv install 14.15.0
nodenv global 14.15.0
npm install -g yarn
nodenv rehash

git clone
cd nodejs-crypto-benchmarks
yarn install
yarn run build
yarn run bench --test

# Optional: Start a 'tmux' session so the benchmark continues running even if you disconnect

yarn run bench | tee results.txt