
Stubborn feed auto discovery tool :goat:

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Stubborn feed auto discovery tool.

There wasn't any satisfyingly determined feed discover tool in npm, so here it is. Highly inspired by damog's feedbag.


For programmatic use in your project:

npm install --save feed-finder

For cli usage:

npm install --global feed-finder


For programmatic usage see API section.


CLI command takes only one input as domain:

$> feed-finder mashable.com

Search results for "mashable.com":
  - http://feeds.mashable.com/Mashable
  - http://mashable.com/feed/

If input misses a dot, some popular tld's appended to input. This takes slightly longer time.

$> feed-finder wired

Search results for "wired":
  - http://www.wired.com/feed/
  - http://www.wired.com/feed/podcast
  - http://wired.com/?feed=rss
  - http://wired.com/feed/
  - http://wired.com/feed/rss/
  - http://wired.com/services/rss/
  - http://wired.net/?feed=rss
  - http://www.wired.co.uk/news/rss
  - http://www.wired.co.uk/reviews/rss
  - http://www.wired.co.uk/podcast/rss
  - http://www.wired.co.uk/rss
  - http://wired.co.uk/rss
  - http://wired.co.uk/podcast/rss
  - http://wired.co.uk/feed/rss/
  - http://wired.co.uk/services/rss/

(Some results are clipped from actual result, as they were bloating too much)



Disables known feed endpoint checks, only looks feeds in input url.


Disables www switch. By default feed-finder adds missing www and looks for that domain too, and removes www when it's provided.


var feedFinder = require('feed-finder'),
    feedRead = require('feed-read');

feedFinder('mashable.com', function (err, feedUrls) {
    if (err) return console.error(err);

    feedUrls.forEach(function (feedUrl) {
        feedRead(feedUrl, function (err, articles) {
            if (err) throw err;
            // Each article has the following properties:
            //   * "title"     - The article title (String).
            //   * "author"    - The author's name (String).
            //   * "link"      - The original article link (String).
            //   * "content"   - The HTML content of the article (String).

feed-read module is given just for sake of this example. There are numerous feed readers parsers in the wild.


ISC (c) Can Kutlu Kınay