
Cambridge and Oxford Bumps results

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Bumps Results

Cambridge and Oxford Bumps results.


Results are stored in the format devised by Tim Granger. See his Bumps Chart Generation page for the original description.

Here is an example

Set,Town Bumps
Short,Town Bumps

Division,City 1,Cantabs 1,99 1,City 2,Rob Roy 1,X-Press 1,Cantabs 2,St Neots 1,City 3,Chesterton 1,Champs 1,City 4,Camb Veterans 1,Cantabs 3,99 2,Champs 2,Rob Roy 2
Division,99 3,St Radegund 1,City 5,City 6,Champs 3,Champs 4,Cantabs 4,Champs 5,City 7,Isle of Ely 1,Rob Roy 3,99 4,St Neots 2,Cantabs 5,X-Press 2,Cantabs 6,Champs 6
Division,Rob Roy 4,Chesterton 2,City 8,Cantabs 7,St Radegund 2,Chesterton 3,99 5,Cantabs 8,99 6,Champs 7,Cantabs 9,X-Press 3,Cantabs 10,X-Press 4,Cantabs 11

uruurrrurrr ururruuururr urrrururrurrrr
rruurrrrrrru rrrrurruururu ruruurrruurrr
rrruurruurr rruruuururur uruuuruuurr
rrrruurrurrr rruuuuruuru rruuuurrrrrrrr

The first four lines describe the event. Then comes the starting order for each division. Finally we have the results for each day.

Results start with the bottom crew in each division (the sandwich crew for all but the lowest division).

Entry Explanation
r rowed over
u bumped up one place
o3 overbumped up 3 places
e-2 moved down 2 places

A crew which has been (over)bumped down does not need an entry as it is implied by the entry for the crew which bumped up.

Crews are typically represented by an abbreviation.


Results based on charts produced by: