
Web Chess in Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Javscript chess AI with a simple user interface to challenge it.

State String

A state string is made up of:

  • 64 Chars: Board Pieces
    • Start with rank 8, end with rank 1 (from white's perspective)
    • Start with file a=1, end with rank h=8
    • PNBRQK for white pieces
    • pnbrqk for black pieces
    • . for empty square
  • 1 Char: Who is to play?
    • w or b for who to move next
  • 4 Char Castling ability X
    • (only based on 'has stuff moved?' not 'does this cross check')
    • 1 if: white can castle queenside
    • 1 if: white can castle kingside
    • 1 if: black can castle queenside
    • 1 if: black can castle kingside
  • 2 Char: En Passant
    • xy is (file, rank) of the square for en passant
    • eg, after a move e4, this would be set to "53" = e3
    • .. if nothing moves
  • 2 Char: Move counter without capture or pawn advance
    • 0 Padded if only one char