
A [prototype] resource hub for a community of transit agencies

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

[ARCHIVED] Agency Hub

This repository is no longer maintained.

A resource hub for a community of transit agencies [prototype]


First create a .env file in the root directory of this repo with the following values:

METABASE_SECRET_KEY= # get this from dashboards.calitp.org

Build and run the project using docker-compose.

docker-compose up --build

The server should now be running at http://agency-hub.localhost:8000


To test a production build configuration locally:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build

This works because docker-compose.override.yml gets applied automatically on top of docker-compose.yml when no files are explicitely passed, adding development services. By explicitely passing just the base file, the development overrides do not get applied.

Dummy data

Dummy data is loaded with a snapshot of agencies.yml from April 2022, 2 dashboards and users with emails caltrans-admin@example.org, agency-vendor@example.org, multiagency-vendor@example.org, agency-staff@example.org (their passwords are the part of the email before the @, so caltrans-admin, etc).

Load the dummy data via the fixtures file.

docker-compose exec server python manage.py loaddata fixtures/dummy_data.json

If you want to update the (commit) any changes to the fixtures run the following.

docker-compose exec server python manage.py dumpdata user metabase agency --indent 2 > server/fixtures/dummy_data.json


  • The primary app can be accesed via http://agency-hub.localhost:8000 and includes the embedded dashboard and a login view.

  • Users, dashboard, and agencencies can be created/edited via the django admin at http://agency-hub.localhost:8000/admin/ (using the dummy data, only caltrans-admin has access to this).

  • If a user is added, the users activation email can be viewed in the /admin/mailer/message section of the admin.