
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This repository contains some demos for the HGQ library.

To prepare the environment, install the required packages by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

To prepare the data, download the datasets from the following links:

To execute the demos, cd into the individual demo directory run the corresponding python script. For example, to run the demo for the jet classifier, execute the following commands:

cd jet_classifier
python jet_classifier.py -c configs/<config_file>.json -r all

For more details, please run the script with the -h flag. You may want to modify the output paths in the configuration files.

For synthsizing the models, you can use the batch_synth.sh script provided, which runs csynth, vsynth, and place&route, and keeps only the reports. Copy the script to the directory containing the tarballs of the hls projects, and run it.

If you wish to do it manually, please notice the following:

  • When using dense-only network with vivado_hls with function pipeline, add #pragma HLS INLINE recursive in the entry function. This will greatly reduce the latency for HGQ trained models.
  • For the tgc Muon tracking demo, replace #pragma HLS DATAFLOW by #pragma HLS PIPELINE. Vitis/Vivado HLS does a bad job with dataflow for this model.
    • Probably due to the fill buffer logic in for convolutional layers.

An ipython notebook containing the minimal code to run the HGQ is available here