
Pre- and Postprocessing for CalculiX can be done with this component in coreform cubit. The results will be converted to Paraview (.frd and .dat: nodal, element and integration points results).

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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Cubit-CalculiX 2024.10

Hey ho that´s the CalculiX Component for coreform cubit!

Full Model definitions for CalculiX can be done with Cubit as Preprocessor. After the run with CalculiX the results will be automatically converted for Paraview.

Here you can find the source code.

The builds can be downloaded at our website.

Or just use the links.

Windows Build Linux Build

This component was build with Cubit 2024.8! Tested with Cubit 2024.8 on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 22.04

Also take a look at our Youtube Channel CubitCalculiX . We will post videos from examples and updates in the near future.

Key Features

  • Elements Sets
  • Node Sets
  • Side Sets
  • Materials (Conductivity, Density, Elastic, Expansion, Plastic, Specific Heat)
  • Sections (Solid, Shell, Membrane, Beam)
  • Constraints (Tie, Rigid Body)
  • Surface Interactions
  • Contact Pairs
  • Amplitudes
  • Orientations
  • Boundary Conditions (Displacements, Temperatures)
  • Initial Conditions (Displacements, Temperatures)
  • STEPS (Static, Frequency, Buckle, Heat Transfer, Coupled Temperature Displacement, Uncoupled Temperature Displacement, No Analysis)
  • Adding Customlines before/after Keywords
  • Export of Calculix Model
  • Creation and Running of Jobs
  • Conversion of Results to Paraview (.frd and .dat: nodal, element and integration points results, auto calculating von Mises and Principal Stresses)
  • Projection of Displacements from .frd to mesh
  • Opening of Results with CGX or Paraview
  • Results can be viewed, plotted and exported to .csv
  • Displaying of loads and boundary conditions
  • Python Interface to query the result files. This can be used to run convergence studies or do mesh refinement based on the results.
  • The calculix model data and the loaded frd and dat results will be saved and loaded automatically with the standard cubit fileformat .cub5

How to

To get an overview of all new commands type

ccx ?

in cubit mode (#!cubit)

For the functions of the python interface type


in python mode (#!python)



Download the build directory and point within Cubit to the Directory.

  • Tools->Plugins->Add

Restart Cubit.

Add Component

The Cubit Window should now show "Coreform Cubit 202x.x -- with Cubit-CalculiX 202x.x" in the Title.

Now just enable the Model Tree

  • View->CalculiX Model Tree

Show Model Tree

Try to open and run the journal file "first_run.jou"

If everything works. It should compute a beam and automatically open the results with cgx and paraview.

After First Run


After the run with CalculiX the results should be loaded and converted automatically. If a Job exited with errors you can try to convert it over the Button in the Job Monitor.

The mises stresses and strains will be precalculated for the S and E keys. If the preprocessing was done in cubit and the results can be linked. Then the data from the .frd and .dat can be viewed with paraview. When the linking fails, the .frd will be converted to vtu. In paraview you can see the linked and computed results with the multiblock inspector.

multiblock inspector

If integration point data was requested in the .dat, the converter computes the location of the integration points and links the results. The integration point number and the element id can be queried with paraview. The element id can be found in the cell data. The ip number in the point data.

integration points

elements id

ip number

When there are displacements in the frd file for requested blocks in the .dat. The displacements of the integration points will also be computed.

integration points displacements

current limitations of the converter:

  • totals ignored
  • buckling in .dat ignored
  • contact print card ignored
  • only links for complete nodal and element data

Projection of Displacements

with the command "ccx result project job 'job_id' {step 'step' | totalincrement 'totalincrement'} [scale 'scale']"

The displacements from an .frd can be scaled and projected to the nodes in cubit. It has to be .frd where the mesh is ident with the one in cubit. Otherwise linking fails and no projection will be done. If a step is choosen, it will project the last available increment with displacement data. When choosing the totalincrement the related displacements will be used.

projection of displacements

known issues

  • See https://github.com/calculix/Cubit-CalculiX/issues for open issues. Not every issue is closed in the available binaries. Please look at the issue and release date.

  • History Bug on Windows: Currently commands that will be send using the gui won't be recorded into the history tab. This has been fixed for Linux. In the current cubit windows release (2024.8) are some symbols missing. So we have to wait onto the next release to fix this for windows too.

todo list

  • documentation