
Calculix CrunchiX Container for portable usage.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

CalculiX CrunchiX Containered

Reference Implementation to build an docker compatible container for Calculix / CrunchiX (ccx). The buildah script contains also all commands that are needed to manipulate the original sources to fix knowing issues.

Warning: Active deployment

HowTo use the container

In general it is recommended to create an shell script with all commands and start the container with the script file as argument.

Befor execute an command from the container, please execute the command (bash shell)

. ~/ccx_env

to set all the envoriment variables for the Calculix ChruniX to the default values.

Running the container (with podman)

  • Example to print all set envoriment variables
podman run --rm --volume $PWD:/data calculix/ccx:latest test/print_env
  • Execute / run an input file MyCaseFile.inp from the actually directory and remove the container afterwards.
podman run --rm --volume $PWD:/data calculix/ccx:latest crunchix MyCaseFile
  • Run bash (interactive mode + allocate tty) inside the container.
podman run --rm -i -t --volume $PWD:/data calculix/ccx:latest /bin/bash

Envoriment variables

  • CCX_VERSION Compiled ccx version.
  • CCX_INSTALL_DIR Installation directory of ccx.
  • CCX_ARPACK_DIR Source directory of ARPACK package.
  • CCX_SPOOLES_DIR Source directory of SPOOLES package.
  • CCX_SRC Source directory of ccx.
  • CCX_DOC Documentation directory of ccx.
  • CCX_TEST All test scripts for ccx.

CalculiX - A Three-Dimensional Structural Finite Element Program