
Starter skeleton for Foundation and Grunt

Primary LanguageHTML

Grunt Foundation Starter

This is a Grunt - Foundation starter template that helps you quickly kickstart development using grunt in the command-line. This uses bower to install Foundation, Modernizr, jQuery and all the Foundation dependencies.


You will need npm, bower and grunt installed. Search in Google for tips on how to install these command-line tools for your OS.


After cloning this repository using the command below:

$ git clone git@github.com:CreativityKills/foundation-grunt-starter.git

You should cd to the directory where you cloned the repository into, you can run this command in the terminal:

$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt

This should install the required node_modules, download the required dependencies, compile the assets, and afterwards, start watching for changes.


You can start developing immediately. The dist/assets directory contains your compiled assets. You can add your HTML documents to the dist directory, or however you wish. Your "raw" uncompiled asset files are stored in the develop folder.