This is the API for a web application that facilitates the splitting up of bills between roommates. The person whos name is on the bill can register as a treasurer. They can then creat roomates and assign portions (or total amounts) of bills to them with apllicable due dates. Anyone using this API has the option of searching by bill and by asignee.
Possibilities for future versions will support voting on roomates (based on payment history) and messaging/alerts.
#Table of Contents
- Authentication
- Create Treasurer
- Create Roommates
- Create Bills
- Edit Bills
- See Rommates
- See All Bills
- See a Rommates Bills
- See Single Bill
###POST /treasurers
The name of the living spaceusername:
A username must be uniquename:
Treasurers first name and last nameemail:
An email must be unique and have an @ symbol followed by a "."password:
A password must be at least 8 characters
If user was created successfully it will return status code 201
"living_space": "The iron yard"
"admin": true
"username": "Charlie_1980"
"name": "Charles Alderete"
"email": "ninja@kittens.com"
"access_token": "......"
If the treasurer could not be created you should receive status code 422 and
{ "errors" [ "Email has already been taken", Username has already been taken] }
###POST /roomates
Only treasurers can create roomates
: A username must be unique
: Treasurers first name and last name
: An email must be unique and have an @ symbol followed by a "."
: A password must be at least 8 character
'treasurer_id`: The id of the treasurer that the roommate pays too
"living_space": "The iron yard"
"admin": "false"
"username": "Charlie_1980"
"name": "Charles Alderete"
"email": "ninja@kittens.com"
"access_token": "......"
If the roomate was successfully created you will receive status code 201
If the roomate could not be created you should receive status code 422 and
{ "errors" [ "Email has already been taken", Username has already been taken] }
once rommates are created by the treasurer bills can be assigned to them
###POST /bills/create
Only treasurers can create bills
Name of billtotal_balance:
Total amount of billyour_balance:
Amount of money the roomate is paying on the billdue_date:
The date the bill is duecompany:
The company the bill is being paid tooroomate_id:
The id of the roomate the bill belongs tootreasurer_id:
The id of the treasurer that the bill belongs too
If bill is created you will receive a status code 201 and
"name": "Bunnies"
"total_balance": "800"
"your_balance": "400"
"company": "Bunnies R Us"
"roomate_id": "1"
"treasurer_id": "1"
"due_date": "2012-03-27 23:53:38 UTC"
###PUT /bills/:id
The balance remaining on the roomates billcompany:
The company the bill is paid totreasurer_id:
The id of whos name is on the billdue_date:
The date the bill is due in:datetime
marking wheather or not the bill has been paidassignee:
A roomate who is contributing to this bill
###GET /roomates/:treasure_id
The id of the treasurer the roomate is associated withinteger:
###This will return an array of hashes
"id": 2,
"username": "Charlie",
"email": "ninja@kittens.com",
"admin": false,
"name": "CharlesCharlie"
"id": 3,
"username": "Also Charlie",
"email": "ninja@kittens.com1",
"admin": false,
"name": "CharlesCharlie"
##Search Bills
There are 3 methods to search for bills
The id of the person whos name is on the bill:integer
and it will return an array of hashes
"name": "bunnies",
"total_balance": 400,
"your_balance": 800,
"company": "bunnies are us",
"assignee": "bill duck",
"due_date": "2012-12-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"paid": false,
"days_past_due": null
"name": "bunny cleaner",
"total_balance": 400,
"your_balance": 800,
"company": "bunnies are us",
"assignee": "bill duck",
"due_date": "2012-12-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"paid": false,
"days_past_due": null
###GET /bills/assignee/:assignee
The person whos bills you wish to search for
This will return all bills by the assignee:
The id of the bill you wish to seeinteger
This will return json of an indivdual bill