
Very simple, yet configurable card flipping Vue component

Primary LanguageVue

Vue Card Flip

This package is a collection of very simple, yet configurable Vue components.

Table of Contents


To install in your project, run:

npm i @swbc/simple-vue-components -S


This package supports dependency tree shaking, which allows you to destructure your imports.

In the component you wish the package component to be, right below the script tag, add:

import { FlipCard } from '@swbc/simple-vue-components'

The options so far are:

  • FlipCard
  • Accordion
  • AccordionList

Register the Component

Inside of your component configuration, register the FlipCard by adding:

export default {
  // stuff
  components: {
  // really important stuff



Inside of your template, use the <FlipCard> anywhere you'd like.

  <FlipCard>// slots</FlipCard>


Currently, 4 styling props are supported, all are type String.

  1. Height: height
  2. Width: width
  3. Background Color: backgroundColor
  4. Color: textColor

Example with fixed values:

    // slots

Example with dynamic values:

  <FlipCard :height="height" :width="width"
    :backgroundColor="chosenBackgroundColor" :color="chosenFontColor">
    // slots

Currently media queries aren't implemented, but working on it.


This component uses 4 slots:

  1. Front of Card: front
  2. Front call to action: cta-slot-front
  3. Back of Card: back
  4. Back call to action: cta-slot-back

The slots can be anything you wish, just make sure you name them correctly.


    <template slot='front'>
      <div>This content will be on the front of the card.</div>
    <template slot='cta-slot-front'>
      <button>This will be the call to action to flip the card</button>
    <template slot='back'>
      <div>This content will be on the back of the card.</div>
    <template slot='cta-slot-back'>
      <i class='superIcon'>This could be an icon</i>


  • The cards' content is centered.
  • Overflow is set to scroll.


Inside of your template, use the <Accordion> anywhere you'd like.

  <Accordion>// slots</Accordion>

Accordion Props

Currently, the Accordion component uses one prop

  1. Whether or not the component is open: open


  <Accordion :open="true">
    // slots

Accordion Slots

This component uses 3 slots:

  1. Title of the card ( what is always seen ): title
  2. Call to action: title-cta
  3. Content of the accordion, the toggle-able part: content

The slots can be anything you wish, just make sure you name them correctly.


    <template slot="title">
        <p>The header of your accordion</p>
    <template slot="title-cta">
        <button>Click Me!</button>
    <template slot="content">
        <p>Some well thought out and important content</p>

Accordion Styles

  • The call to action is right aligned

Using Several Individual Accordions

This implementation is for allowing the customization of the content inside of the <Accordion/>.

Another component will be exposed for configurable, yet less flexibly stylized <Accordion/> components. The trade off is being able to just give it an array, and getting a list of panels.

To have a list of expansion panels, use v-for over a <div> with an <Accordion> component inside.

The reason for this is the way Vue attaches event listeners. If you v-for over the individual component, the @click won't be attached properly.

// Wherever you'd like the list of expansion panels to go

<div v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index" @click="openDrawer(index)">
    // slots


On the instance your call this in, define a method that changes the activeIndex to the correct index.

// instance method defined on the Vue component

openDrawer(drawerIndex) {
  drawerIndex === this.openDrawerIndex
    ? (this.openDrawerIndex = null)
    : (this.openDrawerIndex = drawerIndex);


Now the prop value for open becomes an inline expression on the index position. If the index position equals the data property openDrawerIndex, then the open prop is true.

These names are of course up to you.


// data property called `openDrawerIndex`

<div v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index" @click="openDrawer(index)">
  <Accordion :open="openDrawerIndex === index">
    // slots


See the accordion slots for the guide on what to put into the slots

Pre-Built List of Accordions

This implementation is for just passing an array, and getting back a list of semi-flexible <Accordion>s.

// features is an array of objects

<AccordionList :accordions="features"></AccordionList>


  • Array of objects to show: accordions

Props Schema

The props schema is as follows:

// accordions

    title: 'STRING', // the title of the Accordion
    cta: 'STRING', // text for the button ( default it a '+' )
    content: 'STRING', // content to be shown in the drop down