This library is able to validate JSON-Schema at runtime, and also emit type definitions for the validated data. This means that if you define your data using our JSON-schema builder, you automatically get TypeScript safety on those types.
import { string, array, object } from 'typed-json-schema'
string.minLength(3) // type: Schema<string>
//generated JSON Schema:
"type": "string",
"minLength": "3"
array(string.pattern(/\w+/)) // type: Schema<string[]>
//generated JSON Schema:
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": string
"pattern": "\\w+"
object({ a: string, b: array(number) })
.required('a', 'b') // type: Schema<{a: string, b: number[] }>
//generated JSON Schema:
"type": "object",
a: { type: 'string' },
b: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'number' }}
required: ['a', 'b']
import { schema, string, Validator } from 'typed-json-schema'
const validator = new Validator()
const StringOrNull = schema.anyOf(
const validation = validator.validate(StringOrNull, 'Hello'),
if (validation.valid) {
validation.result.toFixed(1) // error: Property 'toFixed' does not exist on type 'string'.
validation.result.toLowerCase() //error: object is possibly null
validation.result && validation.result.toLowerCase() //success!
In general, all JSON-Schema keywords can be used as builders on the schema
For example:
import { schema } from 'typed-json-schema'
const mySchema = schema
Refer to JSON-Schema keywords for a list of available keywords.
import { string, boolean, number, array, object }
const mySchema = string //same as schema.type('string')
const mySchema = number //same as schema.type('number')
const mySchema = boolean //same as schema.type('boolean')
const mySchema = array(string) //same as schema.type('array').items(string)
const mySchema = object({ a: string, b: array(number) }) //same as schema.type('object').properties({ a: string, b: array(number) })
Use a Validator
to validate a json schema:
import { schema, Validator }
const validator = new Validator({ coerceTypes: true }) //any AJV options can be supplied
const validation = validator.validate(schema.type('number'))
if (validation.valid) {
console.log(validation.result) //type: number
} else {
console.log(validation.errors) //contains a list of error messages
see AJV for a list of options that can be passed to the validator.