My Dotfiles

This repository contains my dotfiles. I use Chezmoi to simplify keeping multiple devices in sync and making the dotfiles as transportable as possible.


Install Chezmoi for your OS.

chezmoi init calebfroese --apply --force


  • I don't like to manage .zshrc / .zshenv as various applications tend to write to it, or I need to put local device specific configuration in there. Instead, the dotfile versions of these live in ~/.caleb, and simply need to be soured by their home directory counterparts. Chezmoi will do this automatically during the apply scripts.
  • I usually kick off tmux when I first open a shell. I don't like to automatically enter a tmux session as it makes it annoying to iterate the config or debug (looking at you obscure nvim<>tmux over ssh bug).


The development loop typically looks like:

# make a bunch of edits to e.g. nvim config
chezmoi add ~/.config/nvim
chezmoi cd
# git add .. commit .. push .. etc



Installing tmux plugins should happen automatically. I've had odd behaviour where it doesn't, in that case, simply following the TPM plugin installation flow.