Add remote method decorators to loopback.
- Node.js >= 6.9.1
Within your node project, install the package from npm using:
npm install loopback-decorators
A basic controller:
import {RemoteMethod} from 'loopback-decorators';
selector: 'getStuff',
providers: [
'$app', '$instance', {
provide: 'customEntity',
useFactory: function(modelName) {
return modelName.customEntityÏ
deps: ['modelName']
meta: {
accessType: 'EXECUTE',
isStatic: false,
description: 'Get some stuff from a models remote method',
accepts: [{
arg: 'accessToken',
type: 'any',
http: function(ctx) {
return ctx.req.accessToken;
returns: {arg: 'res', type: 'stuff', root: true},
http: {path: '/get-stuff', verb: 'get'}
export class GetStuffRemote {
constructor(public app, public instance, public customEntity) {}
async onRemote($accessToken) {
// This is where you put the remote method logic
A basic controller:
import {ModelEvent} from 'loopback-decorators';
<!-- the loopback event -->
selector: 'create',
providers: [
'$app', '$model', '^User'
export class DoSomethingOnCreate {
constructor(public app, public Model, public User) {}
async onEvent(inst) {
// This is where you put the event method logic
import {RemoteMethodModule} from 'loopback-decorators';
remotes: [GetStuffRemote],
events: [DoSomethingOnCreate],
proxyFor: 'ModelInternal',
proxyMethods: ['find', 'findById']
export class ModelAPI {
constructor(public Model: any) {
export = function(Model: any) {
return new ModelAPI(Model);
// ...
meta: {
accessType: 'WRITE',
isStatic: false,
description: 'Create a thing',
accepts: [{
arg: 'payload',
type: 'RequestModelType',
http: { source: 'body' }
returns: {arg: 'res', type: 'stuff', root: true},
http: {path: '/things', verb: 'post'}
export class GetStuffRemote {
constructor(public app, public instance, public customEntity) {}
async onRemote(@Validate payload) {
// Error will be thrown before `onRemote` is called if the payload is not valid
export class GetStuffRemote {
constructor(public app, public instance, public customEntity) {}
async onRemote(payload: any) {
// Result returned will be an instance of app.models.ModelContructorName
or, if you are returning an array
export class GetStuffRemote {
constructor(public app, public instance, public customEntity) {}
async onRemote(payload: any) {
// Result returned will be an array of app.models.ModelContructorName
You can also pass the config directly:
@Response({ responseClass: 'MyResponseClass' })
// Or, for an array
@Response({ responseClass: 'MyResponseClass', isMulti: true })