
The vision-based-avoidance environment is being developed by Caleb Harris at Georgia Institute of Technology. For more information please contact the developer.

Getting Started

Follow these instructions to install the project from source. More information will be provided in the future, but for now see the instructions for RotorS at my branch here. Another good source for installing the proper setup for computer vision and deep learning tools is found here.


This package is dependent on RotorS, mav_control_rw, pcl, cv2, torch and more! For more detailed package requirements please see the requirements file and the ROS package file.

Folders and Files

The key files and folders to consider are:

  • *dnn\scripts*
  • scripts/

ROS Nodes

  • dnn_policy
  • path_planner
  • dagger

Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) Models

The original RotorS environment provided multiple MAV models such as hummingbird and firefly. Additional models have been created and are described below:

  • DJI: A custom designed quadcopter which uses dji F450 flamewheel frame
  • matrice: A model of the dji matrice M100M


The original RotorS environment and Control packages provided PID and MPC controllers for the vehicles. Personal updates has extended these controllers to the new MAVs, and has modified the MPC controller using the ARUCO solver to utilize rate-based model tracking and tune the parameters for the new MAVs.

Data Collection

Rosbag data collection

Start by running simulation with one of the MAVs and worlds:

roslaunch rotors_gazebo obstacle_avoidance.launch mav_name:=DJI world_name:=ob

Then, run the path planning expert algorithm (

Then run the following command:

rosbag record rosout tf /DJI/command/trajectory /DJI/command/motor_speed /DJI/command/roll_pitch_yawrate_thrust /DJI/ground_truth/odometry /DJI/odometry_sensor1/odometry /DJI/vi_sensor/camera_depth/camera/image_raw /DJI/vi_sensor/camera_depth/camera/image_raw/compressed /initialpose /move_base_simple/goal

Afterwards, the file "" will be used to translate the data into a dataset.

Data Collection Process

To collect data for training follow the process below.

First, launch the simulation with the desired UAV and world. The octomap server and MPC controller will also start:

roslaunch rotors_gazebo obstacle_avoidance.launch mav_name:=DJI world_name:=obstacle_two

Second, launch the Astar solution script that is for data collection: (Currently it is not available in rotors_gazebo)

rosrun rotors_gazebo DJI

Next, launch the data collection node:

rosrun rotors_gazebo

Lastly, run the waypoint publisher file for data collection:

rosrun rotors_gazebo waypoint_publisher_file_new 0 0 1 -45 ~/test.txt __ns:=DJI

Running the basic world and controller

To run the current world model and controller run:

roslaunch rotors_gazebo obstacle_avoidance.launch

To run with joystick:

roslaunch rotors_gazebo obstacle_avoidance_with_joy.launch

To run using linear mpc controller:

roslaunch rotors_gazebo obstacle_avoidance_linear.launch

Note: Currently, the world and launch files are moved into the rotors_gazebo folders for easy development. In the future the launch file will be updated to access the files relative to this package.

Running the waypoint publisher

To run the waypoint publisher python script:

rosrun dagger_pytorch_ros $CSV_FILE_LOCATION

The csv file is organized by having the MAV namespace on the first line, then any set of waypoints with x, y, z, yaw.

0, 0, 0.1, 0
0, 0, 1, 0
1, 0, 1, 0
1, 1, 1, 0
0, 0, 0.1, 0

Building a map with Octomap

To build a map via the Octomap package, first start the environment with any controller. Then, start the octomap server:

roslaunch octomap_server octomap_mapping.launch

Send the vehicle along a preset trajectory for mapping, ex. obstacle_trajectory.csv

After completing this trajectory, or checking the map is complete, save the map respectively as a binary map and probability map:

rosrun octomap_saver

octomap_saver -f mapfile.ot


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  • "There is good in this world Frodo, and it is worth fighting for." - Sam Baggins, Lord of the Rings