
Easy tmux session switching, creation, and toggling.

Primary LanguageShell


Easy tmux session switching, creation, and toggling.


tm mysession
tm [dir in cdpath] # if new session, set working-directory for all new shells

Whether or not you are in tmux, the tm function will switch to the given session if it already exists. If it doesn't already exist, it will create it and then switch to it.

Included in /contrib are bash and zsh tab-completions for existing tmux session names.

Jon Yurek found the basics of this function somewhere on the Internet. The original author could not be found.

Toggle between the last two sessions

Add these mappings to ~/.tmux.conf

bind m switch-client -l
bind M command-prompt -p 'switch session:' "run \"tm '%%'\""

Tab completion

Bash tab completion is in completion.bash.

Zsh tab completion is in _tm.

  • Copy _tm somewhere in your fpath.
  • Run autoload -U compinit and compinit after _tm is added to your fpath.