LD Score Regression in Single Cells

Primary LanguageR


LD Score Regression in Single Cells

You have to be careful with naming conventions else the the software will bark at you

python munge_sumstats.py --sumstats sumstats/cd.u.txt --N 27726 --merge-alleles sumstats/w_hm3.snplist --out sumstats/CROHN --a1-inc

python ldsc.py --l2 --bfile 1000G_EUR_Phase3_plink/1000G.EUR.QC.22 --ld-wind-cm 1 --print-snps list.txt --annot hemeBulk/heme22.annot --out hemeBulk/heme22

python ldsc.py --h2 sumstats/BMI.sumstats.gz --ref-ld-chr hemeBulk/heme --overlap-annot --w-ld-chr weights_hm3_no_hla/weights. --frqfile-chr 1000G_Phase3_frq/1000G.EUR.QC. --out BMI_baseline

Single Cells:

bsub -q big -M 64000 -R 'rusage[mem=64000]' python ldsc.py --h2 sumstats/BMI.sumstats.gz --ref-ld-chr scMyeloid/scHeme --overlap-annot --w-ld-chr weights_hm3_no_hla/weights. --frqfile-chr 1000G_Phase3_frq/1000G.EUR.QC. --out scMyeloid/BMI

What's going on

The raw.annot folder contains annotation files for 1000 Genomes Project. Here's what the first few lines look like--

zcat < ../raw.annot/raw.1.annot.gz | head -5
1	11008	rs575272151	0.0	1
1	11012	rs544419019	0.0	1
1	13110	rs540538026	0.0	1
1	13116	rs62635286	0.0	1

What one would want to do for another set of data is take the annotation files and use awk to make similar files and then plug and chug the key Rscript code/bed2annotate.R