
Figma Plugin Starter: React + Webpack 5 + SCSS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Figma Plugin: React Starter

Table of Contents

Install & Build

First, make sure you have Node.js installed on your machine.

if you use nvm, nvm use to switch to 16.13.1


npm i

Run Plugin locally with hot-reload:

npm start

Run UI in Browser:

(only use this for easier UI updates, doesn't interact with Figma layer)

npm run serve

Run Production bundle:

**this bundles your plugin into a .zip for easy distribution, created within /dist_zips/

npm run bundle


  • Webpack 5 + React (javascript) + SCSS
  • Production Bundling + Zipped
  • Interact with UI in Browser


  • npm run lint for a list of linting warnings/error in cli
  • make sure you have prettier package installed:
  • then make sure to enable these options (packages → prettier):
    • eslint integration
    • automatic format on save (toggle format on save)

Release Notes

version 1.1.0

version 1.0.0

  • Examples of how to:
    • communicate with Figma via postMessage bridge
    • traverse a Figma frame for images
    • zoom/scroll to a specific node in the Figma Document
    • resize the plugin
    • close the plugin programmatically
  • Started with React and React DOM to v.17

Helpful Links



Based off Figma Webpack React (TypeScript) Example