
Evolving implementation of the string calculator kata in clojure

Primary LanguageClojure

# clojure-string-calculator

The intent of this project is to get the string calculator kata (http://www.osherove.com/tdd-kata-1/) worked up in clojure so that I can have a quick exercise for building clojure chops.  I am in the middle of reading a lot of books and code, so I expect this to evolve quite a bit.

I am using speclj instead of clojure-test, because I came across it on twitter this morning, and liked how quickly I was able to grok the examples.  The integration with lein also helped me get the project set up without having to worry about layout, dependencies, etc.  I am also thinking of trying it out with other test frameworks.

A screencast of me performing the kata is available here: http://www.vimeo.com/20469597